Toronto Maple Leaf Square | 185.92m | 54s | Lanterra | KPMB


from Martinlittle at
^ Does anybody know what is going to be above that ramp on the left? Will it remain there and if so, will most of it be underground?

What I'm hoping to see is that the space above the ramp be left as an open square in front of the ACC. It's quite a shame that the Air Canada Centre is being built up against into a corner. If the space above the ramp remains an open public square, that will alleviate the problem somewhat.
No, that ramp is just temporary, and will be removed once the new ramps are functional on the South side of the site. After it's gone most of that space will be taken up by the podium of MLS.
There is quite a bit of space between the ACC and MLS, but the hole you see in the photo will be filled by the podium.
