Toronto Maple Leaf Square | 185.92m | 54s | Lanterra | KPMB

Can someone with the know how post this video for me??? you tube/ Porter Airlines landing in Toronto, from Sept 8th,

It is really amazing video, ...the density around the cbd, almost detracts from the rest of downtown, when you see the north end of downtown first, it look s pretty impressive then Scotia pops into view and its like woah!!!
The best shots of MLS/Success/Cityplace/Ritz etc....
I would but don't know how??
Can someone with the know how post this video for me??? you tube/ Porter Airlines landing in Toronto, from Sept 8th,

It is really amazing video, ...the density around the cbd, almost detracts from the rest of downtown, when you see the north end of downtown first, it look s pretty impressive then Scotia pops into view and its like woah!!!
The best shots of MLS/Success/Cityplace/Ritz etc....
I would but don't know how??

Put it on YouTube first, then you can put it in a post by using "Insert Video" .
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I'M COMPUTER RETARDED.. Dont even see a insert video thingy.....

At the top where it has Bold, Italics, Underlined, etc.. there are 3 things you can click on, one is a globe (insert link), one is a picture (insert image), one is a film strip (insert video).
Just paste the video url you previously copied into that and voila!
Or, to make it easier, just cut and paste the YouTube URL into your message here. It doesn't insert the video but it gives us a link to go to the video.
i've been in several myself.. and i would say the acc is definitely amongst the best arenas in the league

I think the newer rinks are so similar that it really comes down to personal taste in some an example, I much prefer the Ottawa rink's placement of the boxes....others think that robs non-box seats from the lower some people the location of the Ottawa rink means that there is nothing that can make that a good rink..etc etc.

Did not mean to start an argument over it....I like the ACC as a rink just not more than some and, sometimes, a bit less than others.

Generally, though, I think it would be good if people could spend some time in other can dispell some of the commonly accepted "Toronto is so much quieter than other rinks" (in my experience, it is quieter in TO than, say, SJ but most rinks are about the same)...."why are there teams in the one goes and it is no fun" (two of my more memorable "fun" nights at NHL games were in Nashville...sold out both times).

I think they are all examples of "it is never as good as someone tells you nor as bad as someone else tells you!"
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No problem man...........I was like gotta see this,.... two impressions here, the zigzag shaped buildings that form a gate, look better from the air above the water, as opposed from the Gardiner, It seems like a great entrance to a movie set city, that flying cars could enter and as you go west, and it (2) appears to be a video game background, with the various levels of depth.( City Place versus Ritz/RBC, success/MLS versus CBD etc. Just a huge skyline!!!
Isn't EVERY leafs game a very, very bad experience.(rimshot)

Sorry to go completely off topic here, but I need to call you out.

The perpetual jabs at the Leafs are getting old. Yes they haven't made the playoffs since 2004. Yes they haven't made the finals, or won the Cup since 1967. But including the Cup year in 1967 and up until the 2003-04 season (38 seasons), the Leafs missed the playoffs 11 times. In other words, they made the playoffs 27 out of 38 seasons. 5 times (1978, 1993, 1994, 1999 and 2002) the Leafs were a playoff series win away from the finals. Not to mention the solid teams of the early 2000s which had the potential for deep playoff runs every year. If they had won even just one cup out of those 5 years, people would be singing a far different tune.

That said, I fail to see a trend of continuous losing, in spite of a nagging 43 year Cup drought. Circumstance, bad luck and other factors have kept the Leafs' Cup dreams under wraps. It's not like this team has been a consistent basement dweller since 1967. They've been close, but to no avail. People tend to forget previous Cup droughts in New York, Detroit and Chicago, which only just ended recently, were all longer than the current Leaf drought. Championship droughts are meant to end, and historically, long ones have ended. The Leafs will win the Cup again, whether it be in 5 years, or another 15.

As for you "jetsbackincanada", your screen name is laughable. The Jets aren't coming back, nor will the NHL ever step foot back in Winnipeg, Quebec City or even Hamilton, so long as current trends of American dominance over this country continue. Quit hanging on to your blind, Canadiana sentiments. The NHL is a business, not a cultural development agency. Money is what drives the NHL's agenda and it's far too late for the league to backtrack to "old time hockey" and reverting to markets that may be hockey mad, but are simply economically unsustainable for revenues.

The game has turned a corner towards its inevitable Americanization. More and more Americans are playing our game, and in time, Americans will outnumber and outperform Canadians. As evidenced in the last few years, more elite players are developing in "non-traditional" markets. (California, Florida, Texas etc.) Just give it 50 years and you'll see how vastly different hockey's culture will be.
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Dam dude, I don't think I've ever ripped the Leafs before......I don't really care bout the Leafs, they win and its good for the city, 2 ...It was meant to be funny. :confused:
3....Its just a name man, I have no delusions about the Jets, I hated my time in Winnipeg area, and would not go back even if the Jets did. (no offense to Manitoba, just tough teenage years)
4....I want the cup in Toronto cause this is the center of the hockey world. :)
5...I often debate with my American buddy's what city would go more crazy with a title????? Cubs....or ....Leafs...You can make a case for either. So ease up man.:cool:
