Toronto Maple Leaf Square | 185.92m | 54s | Lanterra | KPMB

Originally Posted by grey
Saturday, August 1st:

(sorry about the rough quality):

Yes, you should be. Those photos are god-awful, grainy and colour-imbalanced - what the hell were you thinking when deciding to post them here? (wink, wink)

night view from Harbourfront by ricklerocker @

^Although having been in Vancouver recently, and seeing the city from a highrise in Kits at night, I'll say this: Vancouver vs. Toronto @Nite=nite and day. Absolutely no comparison--Vancouver simply astonishes.:)

I do love the Vancouver skyline at night (the city, not so much), but I think it really depends on the angle. As far as density goes, Toronto has far more highrise condo's than Vancouver does, we just have a larger core. Give it two years when about 40 of these projects will be finished and it will look much different.
Vancouver is prettier to look at, to walk around. Just came back from manhatten, boy that place is awesome. Toronto feels so scarce after visiting midtown manhatten.
^Although having been in Vancouver recently, and seeing the city from a highrise in Kits at night, I'll say this: Vancouver vs. Toronto @Nite=nite and day. Absolutely no comparison--Vancouver simply astonishes.:)

I guess it doesn't hurt that the beautiful mountains form a picturesque backdrop.
Van-City is a great city.
