Toronto Maple House at Canary Landing | 89.61m | 26s | Dream | COBE Architects

Some interesting vantage points now uncovering themselves..

However, i took a peak in the ground level 1bdr townhouses (all doors open) and they are unliveably skinny

If I could afford to buy a place, I think this building would be my top pick.
If you had a look in those corridor-like units, you might wish otherwise. The exterior and urban condition is fantastic, but those ground units took me by surprise.

Your can’t place any type of furniture without it creating a block to basic circulation. And couple the thin window at one end of a 40’ deep unit with the large tree canopies at the north, they are incredibly dark
If you had a look in those corridor-like units, you might wish otherwise. The exterior and urban condition is fantastic, but those ground units took me by surprise.

Your can’t place any type of furniture without it creating a block to basic circulation. And couple the thin window at one end of a 40’ deep unit with the large tree canopies at the north, they are incredibly dark
Wonder if the 2 bedrooms and 3 bedrooms are thin as well. The whole glass door thing is surprising to me because it doesn’t seem very safe. Kinda gives a storefront vibe from what I see
Tricon has updated the leasing website for Canary Landing with suite layouts and a whole whack of new renderings and images.

Of note, I thought these two aerial shots of the west don lands / canary district with some of the future phases rendered in were pretty neat


Tricon has updated the leasing website for Canary Landing with suite layouts and a whole whack of new renderings and images.

Of note, I thought these two aerial shots of the west don lands / canary district with some of the future phases rendered in were pretty neat


that first image is interesting. some of those buildings they rendered in have already been completed (Harris Square, Canary Commons, Canary Block) and some that are under construction or in application process they chose to omit (28 Eastern, Rekai Centre Cherry Place, Power and Adelaide). An updated image would have been a great opportunity to capture all this change
Great update, thanks! In reply to your observation about trees, "The trees look so good along here…": I totally agree, each time I pass this area on my bike, I am so glad that trees were there through the construction period! Which makes me think about many other construction sites that would plant some trees (tiny, usually) only after completing all the landscaping. Wouldn't it be nice if trees were planted at the beginning of the construction process (if possible)? That way the construction site would look way more friendly to passers-by and would instantly blend in when the construction is over.
