Toronto Lumiere Condominiums | ?m | 32s | Lifetime | Wallman Architects

Trees aside, I am simply amazed at how fast this project went from sales to construction (it appears to be a matter of a few months). Does the fact that this building is close to U of T, allow it to cater to student/parents who want a residence close to the school?
Trees aside, I am simply amazed at how fast this project went from sales to construction (it appears to be a matter of a few months). Does the fact that this building is close to U of T, allow it to cater to student/parents who want a residence close to the school?

Uhhh, y - yep - yes?

Indeed. Most of the parents of twenty year olds that I know are thrilled to finally get them out of the house - so they can resume their sex lives wherever and whenever the urge takes them. One I know even faked an air conditioner breakdown last summer, but she still couldn't budge junior.
Oct. 20th update

Digging at Lumiere



