Toronto Lower Simcoe Ramp | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto

I recently got this info from Deputy Mayor Pam McConnell's office about the Park.

1. The 'park' is currently under the control of Transportation Services as it was classified as part of the road system.

2. "The Parks, Forestry & Recreation Division has been working with the other City Divisions towards the transfer of the property to our portfolio once the demolition of the ramp is complete. Waterfront Toronto will be managing the process for the design of the new park, and we are currently collaborating with Waterfront Toronto to establish the details and schedule for that process. We currently anticipate that the first consultation with the stakeholders in the community will take place in September of this year;

3. There are other steps to be taken after the ramp is removed before the property can be fully re-opened for park uses. PF&R will continue to ensure that all of those steps are completed as effectively as possible."

Something to look forward to.
Waterfront Toronto will be managing the process for the design of the new park, and we are currently collaborating with Waterfront Toronto to establish the details and schedule for that process.
I winder if it will be another mass of concrete and sculpture like the other "parks" they have designed. For once I'd like to see something on the waterfront just take a kiss approach and maybe just have some trees grass and benches in the area instead of making it some sort of sho piece.
I winder if it will be another mass of concrete and sculpture like the other "parks" they have designed.'re talking about *masses of concrete* at Sherbourne Common, Corktown Common, Sugar Beach, and HtO Park, right?

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What are you talking about? That's factually and empirically incorrect. The longer the off-ramp the less likely off-ramp queues will spill-over into the through traffic. Queues are based on the delay produced at the intersection at the bottom of the ramp. The average length of a vehicle is 7.5m long, thus the longer the off-ramp, the more storage capacity there is on the ramp for vehicles getting off. Whether it is warranted or not (i.e. length of the off-ramp being overbuilt or not) depends on the traffic impact study prepared for this project and what the recommendations were based on the models generated and traffic growth forecasted for the future scenario. Keep in mind when they build infrastructure it is not meant to only serve existing conditions, but also serve a future horizon of 5 or 10 years down the road based on planned and proposed developments in the area.
This change will have a permanent effect on the eastbound traffic as it backs up to the top of the ramp for this very reason.
a few pics of the new park from yesterday
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Since this has been planned for years, why is the new park only st the we're gonna do something and now Waterfront Toronto is involved? At this rate, it will open in 2020 and there will be a muddy lot for 3 years. It took well over a year to build Berczy which is great, but we don't even have a design here yet. I'd have left the ramp and the grass under it until someone figured out what comes next.
I don't relly consider any of them parks. They are more like show pieces and the umbrellas at sugar beach are one of the biggest wastes of money ever.
Oh, for God's sake. The Sugar Beach umbrellas, like the Berczy dogs, are to bring a bit of fun to our City. Both actually create a bit of excitement and bring people to areas, particularly SB, that were ignored and empty., What are YOU looking for, a patch of grass, some gravel and a few benches? Whoop-de-doo!
Oh, for God's sake. The Sugar Beach umbrellas, like the Berczy dogs, are to bring a bit of fun to our City. Both actually create a bit of excitement and bring people to areas, particularly SB, that were ignored and empty., What are YOU looking for, a patch of grass, some gravel and a few benches? Whoop-de-doo!
Yes what exactly is wrong with just some grass and tress and benches . Why does every new park being built have to be some big showpiece out to win awards.
Yes what exactly is wrong with just some grass and tress and benches . Why does every new park being built have to be some big showpiece out to win awards.

You make absolutely no sense. All of the parks mentioned above have some grass, trees, and benches. You're just nitpicking at nothing.

You don't consider any of these spaces parks? Really? Do you even understand what a park is? That's such a stupid statement. (Pardon the language)
You make absolutely no sense. All of the parks mentioned above have some grass, trees, and benches. You're just nitpicking at nothing.

You don't consider any of these spaces parks? Really? Do you even understand what a park is? That's such a stupid statement. (Pardon the language)
I just don't like the designs that waterfront Toronto comes up with or hold competitions for. I get poele love them I just don't have the same feelings about them.
Yay tearing down a piece of Gardiner! Yay building a new piece of Gardiner! UrbanToronto is so conflicted. :)

Not really - we all knew the new ramp is coming, it is the fact that we have removed a good chunk of the old offramp and replaced it with a much shorter one and opened up the rest as a street that is worth celebrating. Not perfect, but the best we can do for now.

