Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

Update on the Ship Channel Bridge:

From the above:

The timing of this malfunction is perfect! Just at the start of a really busy season and in the middle of negotiations about Ports Toronto real value! 🤭
...having concrete topiary designated for tagging isn't a bad idea here. As long as it's balanced with enforcing other structures for not tagging? I dunno...taggers gonna tag anyhow. /sigh
I wonder if purposely building those near the water and away from the playground will help migrate the markers and paint pens
That bridge is such a disaster. Seems like it's been under repair for decades. A perpetual fixer-upper that's never fixed. I wonder how long and how expensive it would have been to just tear it out and start from scratch with a totally new modern design that would open for ship traffic but use technology from this millennium. I'm trying to think of any other singular part of Toronto infrastructure (don't say Gardiner) that is forever broken and under repair. This bridge is nuts.
That bridge is such a disaster. Seems like it's been under repair for decades. A perpetual fixer-upper that's never fixed. I wonder how long and how expensive it would have been to just tear it out and start from scratch with a totally new modern design that would open for ship traffic but use technology from this millennium. I'm trying to think of any other singular part of Toronto infrastructure (don't say Gardiner) that is forever broken and under repair. This bridge is nuts.
The problem is NOT that it has 'been under repair for decades" . It is that it HASN'T!
^ What an astonishing urban miracle... it's like watching xmas 🎄 presents slowly being unwrapped (courtesy of our fabulous UT lensers).

A gift to this city that keeps on giving.

Too schmaltzy?
...having concrete topiary designated for tagging isn't a bad idea here. As long as it's balanced with enforcing other structures for not tagging? I dunno...taggers gonna tag anyhow. /sigh
"Concrete topiary for tagging" isn't a bad idea for somewhere in the city. Could be fun to see it evolve over time.
The Villiers Plan is moving ahead, with a report to the next meeting of Planning and Housing Ctte:

It will forward with the heights at up to 46s and the 9,000 unit target.


Next steps:



Conceptual Render in the report (note the word conceptual)



Summary of project:






Interesting bits:








Re: The above, I would like to see the transit section spell out, no permission for anything, not one building until there is full funding for the WELRT. The object is to compel funding of same.

Lots more if you read the linked report!
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