Toronto Lofthouse on Logan | 24.38m | 6s | Grid | COMN Architects




Interested in getting a unit I. This building, they use steel framing, does anyone know how good or bad that will be? Will the sound proofing be not as good?
Some great recent photos of this project. Likewise — I wouldn't say I'm a fan of the blonde brick, but the charcoal/slate grey accents are proving to be a handsome contrast.
I'll stick up for the blonde brick. Love it! Glad to see that it hasn't been forgotten among the palette of brick colours available to developers here!

I love yellow brick! I just think the specific brick they used here in tandem with mortar that looks too dark just doesn't work for me.

I'd rather see something with a bit more texture and softness. The brick here looks like the same stock they use on the suburban LBCO stores.




I love yellow brick! I just think the specific brick they used here in tandem with mortar that looks too dark just doesn't work for me.

I'd rather see something with a bit more texture and softness. The brick here looks like the same stock they use on the suburban LBCO stores.




For sure that's a lovely project, and yes, a big step up in every way from Lofthouse… but I'm fine with the Lofthouse colour choices, and happy enough that you're calling for the bar to be raised further!

I love yellow brick! I just think the specific brick they used here in tandem with mortar that looks too dark just doesn't work for me.

I'd rather see something with a bit more texture and softness. The brick here looks like the same stock they use on the suburban LBCO stores.




The bricks used here also looks to have more texture and variability in tone between each brick, I imagine that adds a lot of cost.

Also love the protruding pattern they made with the bricks at ground level 😍
