Toronto Living Shangri-La Toronto | 214.57m | 66s | Westbank | James Cheng

Oh no --- I am going to oppose this development....! It will completely block portion of west view from FCP below 60th floor and I will have nothing to stare at during boring conference calls!
I should start a web site to promote my opinions

btw - the video is amazing indeed.
Oh no --- I am going to oppose this development....! It will completely block portion of west view from FCP below 60th floor and I will have nothing to stare at during boring conference calls!
I should start a web site to promote my opinions

That would be the funniest NIMBY stance in a long time.
and BTW the RBC tower and the Ritz will block my views on Cityplace but i am already over that... (too late to oppose)
oh and add to that the festival tower and i will be sitting in an office surrounded by concrete... what kind of life is this.
So who volunteers to eliminate dziogo?
I wish Torontonians were more gung-ho about height. Say no to NIMBYism and yes to YIMBYism.
Curious: how much is "enough" porno?

This project looks like it will be a beauty. Funny how the big duke-out between Trump and Stinson has been eclipsed by much better looking buildings such as the Ritz and Shangri-La. Thank goodness.
