Toronto Living Shangri-La Toronto | 214.57m | 66s | Westbank | James Cheng

this flickr pic was posted by DesertPunk over at SSC, original by PJMixer at flickr...

Good news :)

New York chef David Chang to open restaurant in Canada?

A cryptic Twitter message this morning from New York chef David Chang is fuelling online buzz that the culinary superstar will launch a new restaurant at Toronto’s Shangri-La Hotel, scheduled to open next year.


See my post #2410.
This is confirmed and is in fact in the promotional material that he is opening a restaurant in SL.
amazing pictures Jasonzed ^^^
crazy how shangri-la looks so far away from the CBD cause of the perspective! What is really sweet is you'll be able to see Bay Adelaide AND shangri-la at the same time (instead of it being blocked out from the typical "west" shot)
Is this promo material online anywhere? Or can you pick it up at the sales office?

It is in a new book that they have prepared. I figure the book must cost them like a $100. I guess at these prices, they can afford it.
Not aware of it online. I guess if one went in to the sales office and feigned interest they might give it to you.
Don't really know but can't see them not offering a potential purchaser it. If you just went in and asked for the book, I think they might not.
Gotta say S-L is a becoming a big pile of doggie doo...very fussy typical James Cheng garbage here--throwing the kitchen sink of mirrors and angles here doesn't cut it when the 4$ shows how its meant to be done... 1 March 2011 walked by, the base is such a mess it's just not urban enough--a glass mcmansion on U-ave???


Beijing-based MAD (Ma Yansong, Yosuke Hayano and Dang Qun), were finally selected for their design of Absolute World 1 and World 2. We must give credit where credit is due, and indeed, MAD’s unique design of Absolute condos is remarkable. Marilyn Monroe condos is like a feast to one’s eyes, one may not see such a unique design for long time to come.

I know you agree that James Cheng also deserves a little credit as well. Bad usually means good according to your comments
