Toronto Living Shangri-La Toronto | 214.57m | 66s | Westbank | James Cheng

Mobile crane action today:


Mobile crane action today:

I'm sure it's the angle, but these shots look like they are less further along than the photos in your post #1072!

I'm going by there today so I won't bother, thanks for the update :)
I'm sure it's the angle, but these shots look like they are less further along than the photos in your post #1072!

I'm going by there today so I won't bother, thanks for the update :)

Hmm it might be because they have backfilled around the pits/footings since then so there aren't as many of those concrete walls visible.

They were pulling those backhoes out of the pit, btw. They dropped a mobile crane down in the hole which I assume is to remove all the shale. Theres still quite a bit down there (you can't tell from my pics but from the street you can see quite a pile still)
That's hilarious. Not 15 minutes ago I saw this crane drive by us as we were waiting at the intersection of Yonge and Empress. I was wondering where it was coming from. My fiance remarked about the driver talking on the cellphone while driving this behemoth down Yonge St.
On Friday morning, I was told by one of the workers on the site that there will be a second crane going in once all rock and dirt is removed from the north side.
^ Not sure about depth in terms of meters, but at 8 floors of u/g parking - it's my understanding that the deepest parking garage in the city is currently 7 floors. Also the CN tower excavation wasn't as deep as one would assume.
I wish the on-site camera feed was always seems to be directed at a wall! Anyone got updated pictures over the last few days??
Westbank's newsletter says this was the deepest excavation in Toronto's history - not sure if I believe that.

It probably is? I was starting to wonder if the project got delayed or something. It seems like they started excavation a year ago or so and nothing has risen yet.
