Toronto Lillian Park | 84.73m | 28s | Collecdev | Kohn Shnier

May 7th

It fits right in the neighbourhood. ??‍♂️

But really, the ground level amenity space in between the buildings is turning out nicely. I wanted to photograph it but there were kids playing in the playground infront of view.
I suppose it get some points for contexturality, considering that it ends up looking not unlike its neighbours.

Seriously though, what is up with Toronto and a consistent mauling of the original architectural design when the spandrel colours are picked?
That picture at a distance from May 23 is a powerful illustration of a clear and attractive pattern/motif that is completely obscured when the light-coloured spandrel is added in. Sigh... what a waste.
Honestly, I retain my opinion that this looks better in person than in photos.

It could have been better with small changes sure, but these are not the most offensive buildings to have been built in the area.
Honestly, I retain my opinion that this looks better in person than in photos.

It could have been better with small changes sure, but these are not the most offensive buildings to have been built in the area.
It's still a huge mistake when it could have been a simple win. Spandrel paint colour: that's it.

the fact that this is passable to some is testament to how low standards have stooped. I'll take something that tried and failed (aura) over something that was too lazy to even bother.
the fact that this is passable to some is testament to how low standards have stooped. I'll take something that tried and failed (aura) over something that was too lazy to even bother.
If you want low standards, check out The Eglinton.

It is the most prominent building when I walk towards Yonge nowadays. I would take more Lillian Parks in the neighbourhood over one single The Eglinton.

At least Lillian Park blends in with surrounding buildings (it even plays off decently well with Art Shoppe which is growing in the background), has some pleasing elements at ground level (the V braces) and is bringing some needed park amenity space at ground level.

It is infill after all.
