Toronto Leaside Innovation Centre | 35.43m | 7s | Beeches | Studio Canoo

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This one is back for a second time with its Final Report, recommending approval..............

To the May 21st meeting of NYCC.

Same report as linked above:

Of note from the report..........summary....


I note here: I know the ins/outs of the City's finances fairly well...............I don't remember knowing that there was a Municipal Parking Fund.........I now feel the urge to find out how much is stashed there and
whether it can be put to better use (housing, parks, childcare etc)
Is there a proposal next to this building, as well? I can't find anything, but I remember seeing a sign when driving by for another development.

I have to say, I quite like the design. This area can use some densification.

Goldsmith is not sure when construction will start but he’s targeting this year. Building could commence when the project is 50 per cent leased or another option is that one firm will buy the whole building.

Regardless, he intends to shepherd the project through to its finish, targeted for 2024, and after that he anticipates he would only consult on future projects as he takes more time to enjoy semi-retirement and visit family in British Columbia.
