Toronto L-Tower | 204.82m | 58s | Cityzen | Daniel Libeskind

I like how they handled the cleaning rig on the Ritz, but something similar on L Tower would disrupt the clean form that they're going for. At least on the Ritz, the rig is nicely sandwiched in the natural opening created by the widening "zipper".

Nicely sandwiched, sure, but it's always sticking out the top, which destroys the angle of the roof completely.

the shape seems to be true to the form of the render so far and for that I am happy. As for the cladding, the only side I am in love with is the north side. I really wish they would have done that vertically dominated theme on all 4 sides... the mix of vertical and horizontal on the other 3 sides seems to lack much of an impact and looks like typical cheap Toronto spandrel construction.

I agree with you 100%
Thanks Redroom. A couple more updates of L-Tower from the east, taken today, Sept. 1, 2012:


Closer view of the top:


And even closer... note the 45 degree angle of the north side column. Man, that looks scary! Makes you wonder about the structural intergrity of the floors above and below with the columns at such a steep angle.

Terrific pics, thanks! Was driving along front east bound, looked up, and wow, it dominates the skyline from that view point, can't wait to see the finished product, looks like its just about topped out.
Great pics Razz!
So apparently they are going to finish up the final residential floors this week + the HVAC system being delivered

From the L-Tower Construction info website
Monday, September 3 – Labour Day - Holiday
Tuesday, September 4
A 9M (cubic metre) column concrete pour, levels 57 – 58, starting at 12:30 pm, which is not expected to extend beyond 7:00 pm.
A rebar (steel) delivery starting at 12:30 pm.
Please note:
There will be short-term disruptions to vehicular traffic while the steel delivery truck is being unloaded.
To ensure public safety pedestrian and cycling traffic may also be disrupted briefly during crane lifts and swings.
Wednesday, September 5
Subcontractor Cooltech delivering HVAC components starting at 7:00 am.
215M (cubic metre) slab concrete pour at level 58, starting at 9:00 am, which is not expected to extend beyond 7:00 pm.
A rebar (steel) delivery starting at 12:30 pm.
Please note:
There will be short-term disruptions to vehicular traffic while the steel delivery truck is being unloaded.
To ensure public safety pedestrian and cycling traffic may also be disrupted briefly during crane lifts and swings.
Thursday, September 6
A rebar (steel) delivery starting at 12:30 pm.
Please note:
There will be short-term disruptions to vehicular traffic while the steel delivery truck is being unloaded.
To ensure public safety pedestrian and cycling traffic may also be disrupted briefly during crane lifts and swings.
A 96M (cubic metre) part one (1), wall and column concrete pour, levels 58 – 59, starting at 1:00 pm, which is not expected to extend beyond 7:00 pm.
Friday, September 7
There will be a rebar (steel) delivery starting at 7:00 am.
A second rebar (steel) delivery will commence at at 12:30 pm.
Please note:
There will be short-term disruptions to vehicular traffic while the steel delivery truck is being unloaded.
To ensure public safety pedestrian and cycling traffic may also be disrupted briefly during crane lifts and swings
wow shes almost done! what a looker so far. cant wait to see the crown/ sharpie like tip come together with the glass. and the part id really like to see happen is the ground section and fountain started to.
