Toronto L-Tower | 204.82m | 58s | Cityzen | Daniel Libeskind

I'm running this off the top of my mind but every Libeskind project that I've followed has been steel construction. Given the top heavy shape of this tower, it may be preferable.
5 June 2010:

Nice angle on that photo, Urban.
With the abscence of undergound parking, I imagine they won't be going that deep.
Actually, from the size of that footprint with the digging going on now, I'm surprised they didn't consider doing underground parking. I'm guessing they probably would have had to go down a ridicilous depth into bedrock to accomodate that size of a building.
I got a chuckle out of one person in our building who was parked on the 6th (lowest) floor of our building. He says he gets a little dizzy going driving around and around untill he finally gets out.
I'm running this off the top of my mind but every Libeskind project that I've followed has been steel construction. Given the top heavy shape of this tower, it may be preferable.

The floorplans in this building show lots of concrete pillars, even angled ones where the structure curves at the top. Certainly not indicitave of steel construction.
I agree ^^^, very interesting angle there urbandreamer!.. for some reason, those green-coloured waterfront condos look good for a change! (especially success tower!):)
Toronto would be an even better place to live if the variance form read:

Increasing the Artslab space
Increasing bicycle parking spaces
Increasing the number of two bedroom units
Increasing visitor parking spaces

Buying property is the biggest purchase one can make.

Changes should be barred once a building has been largely presold.

Now that we have your money were going to give you what we wanted to in the first place.

If the buyers cant pull out of the deal without a penalty, its just another scam.
I agree with you about everything there except the increasing of visitor parking. Personally, I think it is best to not give any encouragement for people to drive more instead of walk/bike/TTC, especially in the downtown next to Union Station.
The visitor parking is a hot button.

I'm thinking visitor parking be increased by one or two spots not reduced.

Inviting friends over for a night out in the entertainment district is a sweet deal for the invitee with free parking.
Having out of town family members "pay" to visit you is not.

As it is, new condos designate little space for visitors. Cutting back the space after you've bought into the complex is just the developer's way of scooping up more cash. The contract is so one sided favouring the builder to alter the deal.

What gets me is the developer sweeting the deal for themselves.
