Toronto King West Life Condominiums | ?m | 25s | Plaza | Gabriel Bodor

No the area was perfect! Close access to a lot of different things (in fact more than WHC). The King West area is still developing too! I am sure it will be great...

thanks. That's reassuring. When we first looked at Liberty Village it had a home type feel to it. We liked that there was shopping, coffee shops, exercise areas, and parks mixed with townhouses. We also looked at City Place as it was closer to downtown but it did not appeal to either of us. Felt a bit overwhelming and missing somehow the sense of a neighbourhood. This is not meant to deter from City Place. Simply not appealing to us though clearly given the sales and positive comments I have heard, it clearly meets the needs of others.
I really enjoy the King West/Liberty Village area. I don't want to live there, it's a bit far for walking to the places I want to walk to, but I enjoy visiting there!
I really enjoy the King West/Liberty Village area. I don't want to live there, it's a bit far for walking to the places I want to walk to, but I enjoy visiting there!

Pink Lucy: my daughter is presently 23 years old. In 3 years she will be 26 when KWL would be finished (in theory). May I ask what sort of places are far to walk to? Downtown, shops and if so which. I ask because within liberty there are cafe's, gyms, metro, restaurants and also I believe the usual "stip mall" compliment of "convenience shops. Also, is it a place where people in their 20's/30's want to live. We got that feeling when we bought and scouted the neighbourhood. May I ask, are you within this age grouping because i would be most interested based on your eperience since you "enjoy visiting there". thanks.
No, I'm way beyond that age group:D
I like to go to theatre, St. Lawrence Market, etc. It's walkable (because I like to walk) but just a bit further than I wanted.
I also got the vibe that the age group you mention would like living there. Maybe that's also why, for me, I see it as a great place to visit but not necessarily live.

I also wondered about public transit. Granted, the streetcar runs along King, but if you lived in King West it would still be a bit of a walk to get to the streetcar. Is transit easily accessible along Strachan, for example?
I also wondered about public transit. Granted, the streetcar runs along King, but if you lived in King West it would still be a bit of a walk to get to the streetcar. Is transit easily accessible along Strachan, for example?

I don't know for sure. People say there is a bus that goes through Liberty Village and there is suppost to be the LRC I believe. They also say you can get transportation along Lakeshore as well but I believe you may be correct when you say you have a bit of a walk.

The interesting thing was that I felt comfortable and thought it was kind of a neat place (I'm in my mid 50's) and she at 23 really liked it. That said, she works downtown and is presently living within a 10 minute walk from work so we will have to see how she feels as completion gets closer.

thank you for your comments.
Just noticed that the KWL website now has phase 3 floorplans listed (just added this weekend). There seems to be a lot more inventory available in phase 3 based on the floorplans listed (as they seem to remove them when they are sold).

Anybody have any info on phase 3 sales?
Just noticed that the KWL website now has phase 3 floorplans listed (just added this weekend). There seems to be a lot more inventory available in phase 3 based on the floorplans listed (as they seem to remove them when they are sold).

Anybody have any info on phase 3 sales?

Gooner, I have no additional information but a quick count shows about 50 units not counting the town houses left and they are now opening up to the public phase 3. This is what is left after VIP's and insider purchases. I would suggest this is a suprisingly low amount of units left and in fact probably represents 20-25% of phase 3. remember, they will want to continue to sell as they have 3 years and finished product in Liberty is fetching more than the preconstruction price. I would look for a price increase once a shovel hits the ground in May unless the market stagnates. Remember, if they are 70-75% sold, they have 3 years to sell the final 25% or so.
So I counted about 70 units left in all 3 phases plus 41 townhomes. Maybe my math is off but that doesnt add up to 25% of the building. They originally had 1113 units, and added more when they re-designed the second and third phase. I think there is closer to 1200 units total now. So unless there is some units that the builder is holding back then there's only about 10% inventory left. If im completely off here feel free to correct me :D

Gooner, I have no additional information but a quick count shows about 50 units not counting the town houses left and they are now opening up to the public phase 3. This is what is left after VIP's and insider purchases. I would suggest this is a suprisingly low amount of units left and in fact probably represents 20-25% of phase 3. remember, they will want to continue to sell as they have 3 years and finished product in Liberty is fetching more than the preconstruction price. I would look for a price increase once a shovel hits the ground in May unless the market stagnates. Remember, if they are 70-75% sold, they have 3 years to sell the final 25% or so.
I'm confused. Can someone explain to me how Plazacorp went from not even 70% sold on Phase 1 in Aug '09 (after a year and a half on the market), to selling 90% of all 3 Phases, plus the additional King West Tower in only 5 months? That's over 800 units!! Where did these buyers come from? Is it institutional investing - aka Plazacorp is buying it's own stuff to rent out? Or is Plazacorp holding back a serious amount of units to make it seem like more have been sold? Although new condo sales are up (though still not at 2006/07 levels), this seems exaggerated.
I'm confused. Can someone explain to me how Plazacorp went from not even 70% sold on Phase 1 in Aug '09 (after a year and a half on the market), to selling 90% of all 3 Phases, plus the additional King West Tower in only 5 months? That's over 800 units!! Where did these buyers come from? Is it institutional investing - aka Plazacorp is buying it's own stuff to rent out? Or is Plazacorp holding back a serious amount of units to make it seem like more have been sold? Although new condo sales are up (though still not at 2006/07 levels), this seems exaggerated.

Hi Simuls,

Thanks for your comments. I totally agree and am confused. How could they really sell the equivalent of 3 condos (KWL Phase 2 and 3 / The Tower) in the matter of months (lets say a year)....
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well I know they had a horrible time during the recession, where they had sold nothing in the first 8 months pretty much... then that tower sold most of the units in 3 days through agents, phase 2 and three went fast to agent only sales. I'm just really confused about the total sold now because when i talk to the sales centre they also say 70-75% or so... but then the website shows very few units left. So I guess the only thing that matters is when they start construction. So far we havent received letters saying they secured financing so... who knows!

Hi Simuls,

Thanks for your comments. I totally agree and am confused. How could they really sell the equivalent of 3 condos (KWL Phase 2 and 3 / The Tower) in the matter of months (lets say a year)....
well I know they had a horrible time during the recession, where they had sold nothing in the first 8 months pretty much... then that tower sold most of the units in 3 days through agents, phase 2 and three went fast to agent only sales. I'm just really confused about the total sold now because when i talk to the sales centre they also say 70-75% or so... but then the website shows very few units left. So I guess the only thing that matters is when they start construction. So far we havent received letters saying they secured financing so... who knows!

I spoke to the sales office today briefly. They have sold well and I was told to expect a ground break this summer (to me that would mean fall of 2010).

sales have been incredibly brisk. Plazacorp hardly altered the prices in Phase 1, 2 or 3 (about $5000-10000 differences between last May 2008 and now. Hence, very aggressive pricing, a changed real estate market, increased demand and perceived value have all resulted in massive sales. They mentioned to me that sales are approximately 80% overall now but that was just the sales person's estimates. Says it has been a whirlwind. I was there today at 3 p.m. and there were at least 3 agents with clients looking (mid day on a Monday when most people would be working.) Even the sales people acknowledged they are impressed at how well this project has sold.

I believe agents bought for some end users and alot of investors who will rent or assign/sell later but I gather sales are quite firm and adequate to secure construction financing.
I have heard from another reliable source that construction financing is being arranged and look for a late spring early summer start. I still think that will mean fall but this is definately good news.:)
I can't wait for ground breaking. This project has caused so many hairs to fall out of my head!! Stressing out whether or not it's going to be built. I will be able to rest easy once they put a shovel in the ground :)
