Toronto King + Condos | 53.03m | 17s | King Plus | TACT Architecture

I was hoping for something remotely BAUHAUS, like this:

But hey, it could be worse. Imagine if they had the gall to install vertical lettering identifying the jernt a la Dessau
Please Dear Gott No!

An agent told me 2 days ago that the developer is still working on getting city approvals and no date has been set for commencement sales, just sometime in 2009. Apparently a few units have been 'pre-booked', not sure what that means - anyone?
Probably some choice units reserved for members of the development firm, or friends and family.
Yes, that's correct.

They are putting the project in neutral for the time being. They are proceeding with getting things in order to begin officially selling units, but they aren't in a rush. They don't have the necessary approvals from the City yet to actually sell any units. They are not in hurry to launch the sales centre due to the current RE market and the fact that the property as-is is leased which means they are not in a hurry from a cash flow perspective.

We will see a lot of this this year. Projects not necessarily being canceled, but just delayed by up to a year or more.
That should give them all a little time to find out what the term Bauhaus refers too.

This project is so unbauhaus...the team behind this needs a kick in the eye!
