Toronto Karma Condos | 165.8m | 50s | Lifetime | a—A

I love that hand painted "One of a Kind Show" mural on the next door building. I hope it stays intact and in 100 years it will be rediscovered.
When I was in the .dots for the holidays I came by here. That was shortly after the New Year's. Since then they've made progress, so they're moving. I'm excited to see this one go up. I like it.
Quick update on Karma. About two-third of the site has been excavated one level.

Also, 2 yellow "I-beams" under the old house already with other yellow "I-beams" on the side waiting for the house move (don't know the date).

Sorry if the answer is buried in the thread, but where is the house going to be placed during construction? I assume the excavation for the underground parking encompasses the square site.
I think it will be moved away from the construction site temporarily, and then moved back but to the left site of the Karma.
As I understand it, the proposal was to move the home over adjacent to St. Luke Lane but I think that was changed to just move the home forward.
Well that answers that! The last Staff Report I have approved the move to St. Luke lane for a variety of reasons but I seemed to recall earlier posts that the home was just being moved forward. Perhaps what's happening is the home is moved forward away from the excavation site then eventually a second move to the east once the foundation is ready.
