Toronto June Callwood Park | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto | gh3

Was at the Remembrance ceremony at Fort York so thought i would check out the progress.

They are laying down new rubber in the playground and other areas but i don’t see much greenery. The workers told me they are laying some soil and plants on the north end but it appears the rest will be rubber and paved flooring. i wish they would add more green space as this still is looking like a parking lot.

i guess they want low maintenance to control future costs but a little more greenery would have made a big improvement in my opinion. oh well, maybe the finished product will look better.

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As I feared..........

Good money after bad.

err....more money poorly spent.
This would be slightly excusable if the city was broke and was working on a tight budget, but to spend TOP $$$ of design, construction, redesign and reconstruction and end up with a public space that repulses human activity is a scandal. Local councillor and city staff who have been at it for decades with zero vision. No one will have to answer for this, they will just keep spending money. The parks department really needs some new blood.
This would be slightly excusable if the city was broke and was working on a tight budget, but to spend TOP $$$ of design, construction, redesign and reconstruction and end up with a public space that repulses human activity is a scandal. Local councillor and city staff who have been at it for decades with zero vision. No one will have to answer for this, they will just keep spending money. The parks department really needs some new blood.
There are good people at PFR, look at the really great redesigns for Berczy. St James and Queen's Parks. God knows what happened here, twice!
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The fence surrounding this park came down recently and it’s finally open again. I don’t really recall what this looked like before the renovation but I know it was not well liked or used.

I still say this is not appealing or what I would want in a park but will admit I did see some people using it when i walked past….so it must be an improvement over what was there before. Albeit, however small.

Since this is probably not a park most people want to travel to visit (haha), figured i would share a few pics.

looking south from Fort York:


the kids area actually did seem nice and it was cool to see kids playing on it.



this section is fairly large and open. no grass to sit on, no trees for shade.

they did have lots of seating tho. many different kinds of benches.

i am not sure but looks like there is a water feature? Maybe it always had one but definitely seems to be one now.



Not sure how much money was spent here (both times!!) but seems like they made some improvements but this park could have been so much better. It actually quite a large area and had so much potential.
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Doesn’t look like a whole lot of improvements. And there was always a water feature. How well it worked is another matter.
Was there any reason for designing this park the way they did originally? I mean, it looks well intentioned from an artistic point of view...but for functionality, reality and maintenance it fell obviously flat.
Glad there's plenty of seating but those standard-issue, ersatz-traditional park benches are completely wrong for the park aesthetically.
The park is still a fail. Hopefully, in a decade or so, it'll be ripped up completely and replaced with something better.
The fence surrounding this park came down recently and it’s finally open again. I don’t really recall what this looked like before the renovation but I know it was not well liked or used.

I still say this is not appealing or what I would want in a park but will admit I did see some people using it when i walked past….so it must be an improvement over what was there before. Albeit, however small.

Since this is probably not a park most people want to travel to visit (haha), figured i would share a few pics.

looking south from Fort York:

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the kids area actually did seem nice and it was cool to see kids playing on it.

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this section is fairly large and open. no grass to sit on, no trees for shade.
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they did have lots of seating tho. many different kinds of benches.
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i am not sure but looks like there is a water feature? Maybe it always had one but definitely seems to be one now.

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Not sure how much money was spent here (both times!!) but seems like they made some improvements but this park could have been so much better. It actually quite a large area and had so much potential.

For what the Park looked like before; see the thrashing I gave it over in the Problematic Park Design thread, here:


I'll have to see the re-do in person to be fair............but.........

My quick impression is that they cleaned it up some, repaired a few things, but left a fundamentally flawed and in my judgement irreparable concept in place.

Key problems remain, including uneven surfaces, and pooling of water (intentional) which results in extremely unsafe, icy surfaces in winter.

It feels like a make-do fix, rather than what is needed here, which is tabula rasa.
