Toronto Hotel X (was Hotel in the Garden) | ?m | 27s | Exhibition Place | NORR

Why not? Here's why not, from the report to the Ex's Board of Governors:

While many possible tunnel options were studied by NORR Limited, all of them posed considerable obstacles. Some of the challenges that were raised by NORR Limited were as follows:

  • Beanfield Centre only has a basement level in the south 1/3rd of the building and that is the location of the kitchen and back-of-house which would require major reconstruction / relocation within Beanfield Centre to allow for a tunnel exit.

  • The remainder of Beanfield Centre is “slab-on-grade” so connecting a tunnel exit would require major reconstruction and underpinning of Beanfield Centre.

  • Three of the underground tunnels explored (terminating at the existing tunnel from Beanfield to Enercare Centre; terminating in the Enercare garage) were excessive lengths that would be very problematic and unsafe for pedestrians using it.

  • The tunnel termination at Hotel X would have to be on the north end of the building and to get to this north east corner guests would have to walk from the guest tower for a distance of approximately 153 meters before reaching any tunnel entrance.

  • All tunnel options are more costly because it involves relocation of major underground utilities that are located in Princes' Boulevard.

    The final tunnel option considered by the Board as possible was one that started at the at the north east corner of Hotel X and terminated in a podium on the on the sidewalk at the north west corner of Beanfield Centre. However, while this option avoided major reconstruction and underpinning of the Beanfield Centre, it had many obstacles for ease of use:
  • To reach this tunnel entrance, a hotel guest would have to take the elevator from the hotel guest tower to the hotel parking garage level, walk 153 meters through the garage to the tunnel entrance; then through a 45 meter tunnel to another elevator up to a podium; and then cross 6 meters outside to go from the street level elevator exit to the interior of the Beanfield Centre.

  • Very costly option estimated to be $3.6M (2013).

  • Very inconvenient for a guest / attendee.

  • The elevator would be inadequate to meet the crowd demands associated with any major event.

Good enough?

I wouldn't trust the Ex Board and their choice of architect to not mess this one up - considering they already did with Hotel X. I am sure the latter was supposed to be "very elegant" originally.

Count me unconvinced that this is something for which taxpayers should be footing the bill at all; or, at the very least, not the entire cost given that Hotel X no doubt stands to benefit.
Count me unconvinced that this is something for which taxpayers should be footing the bill at all; or, at the very least, not the entire cost given that Hotel X no doubt stands to benefit.

Well, it is supposed to make Beanfield Centre more attractive as a venue, and the study was initiated by Ex. Having said that how X turned out should count as a giant black mark on messing with the current arrangement further.


Toronto's Hotel X at last expected to open its doors

Under construction since 2013 on the grounds of Exhibition Place, the hotel has started taking reservations for its spring preview period. While the Hotel X hasn’t officially opened, the first guests are scheduled to arrive on March 18. Rooms are offered at a discounted rate before April 30.



From above, wondering what the landscaping will look like this summer, and what the heritage foundations/interpretation area will be like.




  • DSC07009.jpg
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I feel like if the precast had been black it could have made for at least a "sleek" look but this just looks chunky and complicated.
I feel like if the precast had been black it could have made for at least a "sleek" look but this just looks chunky and complicated.

Black maybe slimming, but I highly doubt it will hide the folds that is the conference/wedding/theatre venue. Oddly enough, Brutalism might have done well with a clunky form like this here.

Those east walls near ground level are screaming "cover me with an art installation!"

I see the potential in the shape I think the materials just completely ruined it. Feels like they were trying to drape the various functions of the building (a very poor attempt at Seattle's Public Library).
