Tear down the wall NORR.
And why has no one been put to death?
I don't really get the excessive push-back here. It's an auditorium/conference centre behind the blank walls. Almost buildings of this type have them. Has anyone noticed the east and south sides of the Four Seasons Performing Arts centre lately? They are completely blank facing downtown streets. South and west sides of Koerner hall, yeah blank. Sony Centre? Yeah its imposing but the site is still under construction with no-landscaping, trees, people, etc. Could the complex be more adventurous? yes, but it's not the disaster everyone seems to be labeling it.
I agree, but I don't think it's possible to judge the final effect until the site isn't a construction wasteland. There is extensive landscaping to be done, much more so than in any of those urban sites.
Yeah revit trees and revit grass are possbily the most depressing things on the planet. I hope they don't plan on using them in real life.