Frankly I think the notion of adding in stations at Eglinton, St Clair, AND Bloor is utterly absurd. Even with RER, that stop spacing is outrageously close--the Spadina subway line, for crying out loud, has a stop at Eglinton then nothing until St Clair W, then only 1 stop between SCW and Bloor. Eglinton, okay, major interchange with the LRT and eventually airport access thereby. A stop at St Clair is absolutely pointless with Eglinton and/or Bloor immediately adjacent, and I'm even inclined to say a stop at Bloor doesn't make much sense with one at Eglinton. If there was some way to do a realignment such that the Barrie Line joins up with Kitchener somewhere north of Bloor GO, I think that would be worthwhile as you get the subway/2 streetcars/buses/2 GO lines/UPX at the station, but a separate Barrie line station just metres east of Bloor GO...not much point to that.
What the rageful NIMBYs in the neighbourhood making these absurd demands seem to forget is that GO Transit is a commuter rail service, NOT A SUBWAY; even with RER it doesn't make sense to have spacing that matches Line 1's. I agree that there needs to be better service within the 416 but Eglinton-St Clair/Davenport-Bloor is just ridiculous. And, as mentioned, it's a pretty moot point as usage would be minimal with GO's currently sky-high fares for short trips like Union-Bloor/St Clair/Eglinton vs the TTC's.