Toronto Frank Stollery Parkette | ?m | ?s

The tower itself is curved in a flatiron type of shape. The PODIUM is not, however, this part of the building will be facing (and therefore hidden by) the small parkette they are building in front of it.

The effect of Lotus rising over the parkette should be pleasant.

Lotus also has that all white precast cladding; bolder use of colour would have been more appropriate. The ornamentation is unconvincing and the dome at the top is quite bland. The arcade is dark and poorly executed. The squarish podium really waters down the visual effect of the curve above.

It's not an ugly building but quite conservative. It should have been bolder, especially with the public space in front.
... and the square podium doesn't line up with the flatiron floors - which makes the whole building look slightly out of kilter.
From Sat...
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I see....ONE bench. Seems kind of odd don't you think? Let's hope they add a few more, could be a nice place to relax with a coffee
I'm sure the condo residents made sure that there aren't too many park benches available --- keeps the 'undesirables' from lingering in front of their building.
What's the point of building a park but not putting benches in it, so people can enjoy it? Even the residents in the building will not be able to use it.
There were at least half a dozen benches in the park when I went by today. The park is scheduled to open at the end of this month and the new cafe at the base of Lotus will open at the same time.
The design of Frank Stollery Parkette is by MaryJane Lovering of Vertechs Design Inc. You can check out the renderings under the Community menu on their site.

A few more pics from the parkette, with lots of benches...




The cafe is also well on its way to being done and having this little space in place is really started to change the feel of the neighbourhood.

When Four Seasons and its park are also complete, there will actually be lots of nice little (overly manicured?) green-spaces to hang out around here.

- J.
Damn Pigeons!

Does anyone know if it's possible (if so, how?) to get the city to put up a 'no feeding pigeons' sign somewhere within this park? I'm fed up with all the bird shit that's already present along the sidewalk. Apparently I've seen some old lady/old man feed them and it's becoming a nuisance. Soon enough, the benches of the park will be covered in bird crap. Also, I'm finding that while I walk through this area along the pedestrian walk, I sometimes have to walk onto the road to avoid the pigeons. I hope there is something that can be done about this :(

Having a don't feed the pigeons sign doesn't mean people won't feed them. Oiling their eggs or station a Yorkie in the park would work wonders on the other hand.


Having a don't feed the pigeons sign doesn't mean people won't feed them. Oiling their eggs or station a Yorkie in the park would work wonders on the other hand.


Yeah, but what other realistic alternative is there? With a sign, it would be at the very least, a good cost-effective initiative and it would however give me the power to give them a mouthful thrashing if I ever see anyone feeding, especially if you attach a fine to the sign. There are plenty of dogs though in the neighbourhood...just not stationed inside the park.
I wish someone would make those cable/phone boxes look nicer. They're so hideous in their grey and brown colours. It would be so easy to make them look better.

As for no bird feeding signs.... I believe Nathan Phillips Square has them, but you still see people feeding them there all the time.
