Toronto Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences Toronto | 203.9m | 52s | Lifetime | a—A

Possibly, but that firehall and the one on Grosvenor are probably the only two firehalls in the city that get literally no action.

Actually, those are the second- and fifth-busiest stations in the city, respectively. Station 314 (Grosvenor) had 4,405 calls in 2009 (average of approximately 12 calls per day) and Station 312 (Yorkville) had 3,208 calls in 2009 (avergae of approximately 9 calls per day). It kind of makes sense that the staions in the downtown core are the busiest in the city. (For the record, the busiest is Station 332 at Adelaide and John).






Nice photos/angles android!

The cladding on Four Seasons may not be as exciting to watch go up as Trump but it definitely looks good! I like the bluish look of the cladding against the blue sky! I am very confused about the current look of what is to become the podium... Right now they're just huge slabs of concrete! :p
I didn't get there in time to get that nice sun on the building.. but oh well..




Here is my contribution

I've gotta get some video of that steelwork.. That would be awesome...

so for now this is my video

I'll get over there next time to do the video of the steel...

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The glass looks outstanding, much better than the usual cheapo cladding we see on ordinary condos. I'm still worried about the overabundance of glass cladding in new developments and the lack of variability... "death by glass"?
The glass looks outstanding, much better than the usual cheapo cladding we see on ordinary condos. I'm still worried about the overabundance of glass cladding in new developments and the lack of variability... "death by glass"?

I agree, as much as I like glass buildings, it seems as though every new building that comes out is covered in glass. I'd love to see more brick buildings. Seems like all the architecture is virtually the same.
The glass is subtly giving me flashbacks to Vancouver ShangriLa.

Which is not at all a bad thing, just a personal observation.
Outstanding photography guys! That glass just screams for attention! Its wicked! This tower looks huge from all angles now! I'm hoping floor pours to come along faster now that the ground floors are pretty much done! When are we gonna see tower 2 start going up?

The glass on this tower is literally a mirror! :D
