Toronto Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts | ?m | 5s | COC | Diamond Schmitt


As interchange indicates, COC productions have been 95% sold out for the past few years. Despite your gripes that this building will not "lure" non-subscribers inside, has an "awful street presence", and is an "eyesore", people were lined up around the block at both open houses. Perhaps some of them will snap up the remaining tickets, perhaps none will. An open house is just that - a unique opportunity for the public to look around, and thousands took advantage of it. There were free concerts in the Aerial Ampetheatre that may have drawn them there too. They got the chance to get up on stage, look out at the hall, and see what all the fuss is all about. At the two concerts that I attended, I got the impression that there were quite a few people checking opera out for the first time. There will be 90 free music and dance events in the City Room during the next year, and that will further connect the public to these art forms.


The Globe mentioned, in one of their articles, that the COC's part of the subway tunnel has been built, and it is now up to the city to link up to it.
At the south end of the basement floor, by the washrooms, there were some steps down to a set of subway-entrance style doors. Behind was an unfinished tunnel running north-south along the western edge of the property. The doors were unlocked but I decided not to explore. Seems like a future PATH tunnel that would therefore link the Hilton to Osgoode subway.

I don't recall hearing about this before; anyone know what I'm talking about?
It's very functional .. it looks new but it doesn't have that WOW feeling. Nevertheless good to see some cultural facilities coming up.
I saw that tunnel. It doesn't go to the Hilton. It couldn't, unless they wanted to sacrifice a ballroom. Which would make no sense for them to do, being connected to the PATH already.
I know it doesn't currently go to the Hilton, but if it's not designed as a future connection, I'm at a loss as to what purpose it is intended to serve.
To take people from the south end of the Opera to the subway. That way, the entire crowd from the coat check isn't funneled through one door, which would be crowded, and would probably violate fire regulations.
I find it doubtful that is the sole purpose of the tunnel, at least at the point it was designed. It continues beyond the doors to the south, and has a design that makes it apparent that it's intended for more than just an extra passageway to the south end of the building. Hence my original inquiry.

I think it's pretty safe to assume that although the Hilton has no plans to build a connection (and no one can force them to), the designers have ensured that should things change at some point in the future, whether through redevelopment or changed minds, the option will still be there to build a connection without having to alter the Opera House.

I just wanted to see if anyone knew for sure.
cdl42: Why not email them and find out? They replied to my question about the rooftop patio ( if they get a sponsor willing to pay $5 million they'll build it ), and I got a phone call in response to my question about the red carpet on Gala night.
Purely a guess, but perhaps the tunnel is part of an underground garage and/or loading dock?
Hey, why not be really obtuse, and propose a tunnel connecting it w/Osgoode Hall to the north...
That was part of the plan, back when they were thinking of building an office tower on top of the opera. The tower would have cast a shadow on the gardens at Osgoode, so they offered to build a tunnel as compensation. One of the great thinkers of the Law Society responded: "Why would we want to make it easier for the public to get in here?"
Okay then, build the tunnel, but include underground "cow barriers";-)
Though the logo remains, the pleasingly back lit Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts sign is gone from the University Avenue facade. Disparu. GorGONEzola.
Well, after all the criticism the exterior has come in for, it would seem that demolition has finally started.

I can't wait to see the parking lot back in place.

