Toronto Four Eleven King Condominiums | 149.04m | 45s | Great Gulf | KPMB

I am sure but regardless, there will be waste (many things cannot be reused, will be broken etc).
Is the existing old build being demolished && reintegrated as part of this ? Or is it stay as is (i.e. office space) and they're building around on top it ?
Don't get too excited about this. Terracap is just rezoning it now and likely won't build anything for years (they have said so publicly). My guess is that they will sit on it and hope some bigger fish comes along to let them make a handsome profit. Flippers I say!
What they said at the meeting was that it's a few years away still, and that they would likely partner with a more established condo builder.
My guess is that they will sit on it and hope some bigger fish comes along to let them make a handsome profit. Flippers I say!

Oh yeah, I'd think that would be a real possibility. Terracap has little experience in condo development.

What they said at the meeting was that it's a few years away still, and that they would likely partner with a more established condo builder.

One can only hope they find a partner - or sell it - to an organization that knows what it's doing.
Regarding the question as to whether or not this site includes the lot immediately to the south of the LCBO - the Winners property at 57 Spadina (the answer has always been no) - Allied Properties has now purchased the Winners site: Press release from yesterday:

Toronto, March 15, 2012 -- Allied Properties REIT (TSX:AP.UN) announced today that it has entered into agreements to purchase the following portfolio of properties for $42 million:

Address Total GLA Office GLA Retail GLA Parking Spaces
57 Spadina Avenue 33,302 16,170 17,132 0 (the Winners site)
78 Spadina Avenue 0 0 0 45
80-82 Spadina Avenue 69,112 53,103 16,009 0
379 Adelaide Street West 36,125 36,125 0 0
383 Adelaide Street West 7,500 2,500 5,000 0
Total 146,039 107,898 38,141 45
We now have a full report up on the front page about the latest proposal. It's image intensive!!!!! (The way you like it.)

There's also a dataBase page entry now too with images detailing all three iterations so far. Wait - three? Yep, Core Architects have kindly provided us with images of an intermediate stage that you might be interested in seeing too. It's all here.
It's worth a quick mention, now that we have the high-res renderings, of how much I liked the faceted windows in the initial plan for this building. The don't look engineered - only architected so to speak - in the renderings, and as this was all of preliminary, I take them as just a flight of fancy from that time…

but boy, would I ever like to see these pop up sometime somewhere. (They sure do look like they'd be expensive though in every way.)



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The original bronze window treatment makes me wonder if they inspired Freed's Sixty Colborne?

I'd prefer a return to classic red brick. The black brick fad will look stale by the time this building is completed c.2020. Also perhaps more brick or some other cladding material on the taller tower would be appreciated.
I agree. Black brick works better as a rare accent. Seems like buildings that incorporate brick are more likely to use black now.
I think this new proposal looks much better than the original. However, as others have said, launch is so far out in time that who knows what this will be in the end!
I really do hope this one gets built. There are lots of projects in the current boom going up that I'd trade for this design in an instant.
