Toronto Forma | 308m | 84s | Great Gulf | Gehry Partners

Housing prices up another 21% this year alone, making purchasing condo units increasingly more attractive and affordable!

So the increasing prices of condominiums makes them more affordable?

Must be the "new" economics.

I have no idea whether it was sarcastic or not, but I read FMCS's post to merely be saying that given the runaway increases in the prices of houses (the 21% figure, IIRC, corresponds to the jump in prices of detached homes in the last 12 months), condos are comparatively and correspondingly more attractive and affordable. I have no idea whether that is true or not, but I don't think (s)he was making the nonsensical comment that it may have appeared to be. Or it could have just be sarcasm.
I don't know if this project will ever see the light. with housing market going down, I doubt this project will ever get build. :(
The only thing that would derail this from a macro economic perspective, would be quickly rising interest rates. Since the world appears dead set on chasing low or negative rates for a while yet however, I don't see any danger of that any time soon.
This project seems to have fallen off the planet. It was approved July 10, 2014 - almost two years ago and not even a sniff of activity.
Meanwhile, Gehry has won quite a number of large projects over the last year - several of which are in Los Angeles.
I hope he can find some time for this one too and/or that he is still interested in the project.
It's perfectly reasonable to expect a project of this magnitude and complexity to take a while to come to fruition. There are no obvious signs it is in trouble in any way.
It's perfectly reasonable to expect a project of this magnitude and complexity to take a while to come to fruition. There are no obvious signs it is in trouble in any way.
I wonder if Gehry will live to see construction begin. The man is 87-years-old at this point, after all.
While Gehry is given all the credit, it's important to remember there are hundreds of architects working at his firm that are the ones actually producing the work. Most starcitects act mostly as figure heads - flying from place to place giving good PR for projects, obtaining new work, or teaching / lecturing. They often have very little to do with the work that's going out the door. You can usually suss this out by looking at an architect's early work and comparing it to what their contemporary mega-sized firm is producing.

It's also important to remember that these are going to be amongst the tallest and most complex towers ever built in Canada - they're simply going to take more time to design, source, and execute than a standard glass box. It wouldn't surprise me if it took up to 10 years from start to finish on this project. The AGO renovation, a relatively small project in comparison, took 5 years to design and complete.
Do you think because this will be one of Gehry's final statements and largest statements (I am guessing) that he might be a bit more hands on with this one?
The point I was making is - it's almost irrelevant whether Gehry is hands on or off - his firm is perfectly capable of producing drool worth buildings without his presence. In fact, his presence might actually produce something less 'Gehry' than you've come to expect from 'Gehry'.

For example, google 'Zaha early work' - you'll find a lot of pointy / explosive / angular work. All of her contemporary double and triple curvature work is the invention of all of the other partners in the firm, probably with an emphasis on the younger portion of that crowd.
I know this is falling off topic but is zaha's firm continuing on with the same name now that she is gone? I'm really sad Toronto never got any of her work.
Remember too that Gehry's work underwent a major change after they got the airplane design software that made it practical to achieve all the curves that define his later work. He was getting there anyway, with the staff modeling and drawing the curves by hand, but the technology really accelerated the transformation.
For example, google 'Zaha early work' - you'll find a lot of pointy / explosive / angular work. All of her contemporary double and triple curvature work is the invention of all of the other partners in the firm, probably with an emphasis on the younger portion of that crowd.

Google "parametricism patrik schumacher"
