Toronto Fly Condos | ?m | 24s | Empire | Graziani + Corazza

Sunshine adds a lot more to a park than do more units in a nearby building, especially when the latter is done at the cost of the former. "Letting them go to the dogs" is exactly what you're advocating for this historic park (not a "parkette" by any means), from the sound of it.
from today
The day is quickly approaching when all the parking lots surrounding the Skydome will have been transformed into multi-storey buildings. For me, this can not come soon enough.

Yeah, its going to be interesting what the future plans are for one of the last parking lots in the area located at the southeast corner of Spadina and Front. Seeing that they cant built tall (61m max/aprox.20s) it would be nice to see a half decent midrise complex with a substantial amout of of glitzy retail.:cool:
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They really need more retail. There's alot of condo's, but not alot of real foot traffic in the areas. A good shopping experience would really liven things up in this community.
