Toronto First Canadian Place Rejuvenation | 298.08m | 72s | Brookfield | MdeAS Architects


by me from the thompson today
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If Toronto was building a new building that looked like this, I would be impressed. I'm really impressed that a renovation or recladding could give such a new energy and feeling to an older building. The corners really sell this to me.
It also looks less bulky and more slender with the new clad, totally transforms the building.
What would really top it off would be to replace the multiply antennas, with one 500' mast. Topped off with the world's largest (Canadian) flag.
What would really top it off would be to replace the multiply antennas, with one 500' mast. Topped off with the world's largest (Canadian) flag.

haha, now THAT would be awesome :)...but why not just put up a flag on top of the CN Tower! we've effectively already got one of the highest flag poles in the's just waiting for a little red and white
i'm starting not to like the black corners. if it was on a new building, it wouldn't be a problem. i don't know, it just seems like too much a radical change for such an iconic building that we've been used to being a certain way. it just doesn't feel right to me.
i'm starting not to like the black corners. if it was on a new building, it wouldn't be a problem. i don't know, it just seems like too much a radical change for such an iconic building that we've been used to being a certain way. it just doesn't feel right to me.

They're more bronze than black, which is a nod to the TD Centre across the street. I think it is an elegant solution.
it just seems like too much a radical change for such an iconic building that we've been used to being a certain way. it just doesn't feel right to me.

I dont know...i just dont think there is nothing iconic about this box except height, if anything the Scotia Bank tower or Canada Trust tower are much more iconic to many of us on our skyline.
They're more bronze than black, which is a nod to the TD Centre across the street. I think it is an elegant solution.

i don't know. i think it's messing too much with the architect's original design. i know you can say the same for the marble to glass transition but that is understandable. changing the colours wasn't really necessary.
i'm starting not to like the black corners. if it was on a new building, it wouldn't be a problem. i don't know, it just seems like too much a radical change for such an iconic building that we've been used to being a certain way. it just doesn't feel right to me.

You'll get used to it pretty fast, trust me. It looks MUCH cleaner and better.
Yet another epic update today by Hypnotoad!!!
I have to say, i'm impressed with what they did to the corners. Looks much more like a 21st century skyscraper (minus the antennas). i like the fact that it looks like large windows on the corners. And in that 3rd shot, it looks like the newest skyscraper in the CBD!
