Toronto First Canadian Place Rejuvenation | 298.08m | 72s | Brookfield | MdeAS Architects

About the antennas, I totally agree. This new, slick FCP deserves some stately communication masts.
I'm working at Osler right now, and they should be starting work on my floor any day now. The other part of this project is also beginning: a complete revamp of the retail levels with a rumoured large-scale expansion of the LCBO.
Night shot.

Mo-tage... Now you are just showing off that you have your new tripod! LOL

Great picture Mo-tage. Nice exposure level, with good saturation and without the need for HDR. Was that an automatic exposure, or did you bracket to get the right one?
Mo-tage... Now you are just showing off that you have your new tripod! LOL

Great picture Mo-tage. Nice exposure level, with good saturation and without the need for HDR. Was that an automatic exposure, or did you bracket to get the right one?
Actually I left my tripod at home, that was with the camera sitting on a pole. It was automatic aperture with a 6 sec exposure and the ISO set at 80. I tried a 4 sec exposure but it was a bit dark.

It's a Samsung w600 and it takes pretty good pics for a point and shoot, but it really bugs me that it won't let me use the delay timer on the manual settings. It makes it harder to get a really sharp night shot.
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I'm working at Osler right now, and they should be starting work on my floor any day now. The other part of this project is also beginning: a complete revamp of the retail levels with a rumoured large-scale expansion of the LCBO.

who woulda thunk it! i went into into your office to grab pics :D awhile back, and i too agree about the antenas (is it antenae?) if they slapped the hancock style white ones on it would be awesome
who woulda thunk it! i went into into your office to grab pics :D awhile back, and i too agree about the antenas (is it antenae?) if they slapped the hancock style white ones on it would be awesome

I like the contrast better than blending in, so instead of white ones, which go great with a black tower, I think it should be Sears tower-style antennae but black.
I like the contrast better than blending in, so instead of white ones, which go great with a black tower, I think it should be Sears tower-style antennae but black.

I love how FCP is serving as a 300m tall calendar. It's now easy to pinpoint when photos of downtown Toronto were taken based on how much progress was done on FCP!

I also agree that better antennas (antennae are sensing organs, antennas are transmitting/receiving devices) would be a huge improvement.
This is the best picture I've seen that shows the difference in the corners. Almost makes the building look thinner!
My thoughts exactly. It was too bulky looking before anyway. I think the perceived new loss of girth will make it more graceful personally.

I'm working at Osler right now, and they should be starting work on my floor any day now. The other part of this project is also beginning: a complete revamp of the retail levels with a rumoured large-scale expansion of the LCBO.
Is there an LCBO downtown that couldn't be expanded? They are all crazy busy. Glad to hear this one is getting a "large-scale" expansion.
From embarrassment to potential stunner... wow...

Whoever had the idea to use black stripes on the corners should get some sort of architectural prize.
