Toronto First Canadian Place Rejuvenation | 298.08m | 72s | Brookfield | MdeAS Architects

Great pics guys!. That 1st shot of interchange's is really neat... FCP is such a huge office tower. and from that angle, trump looks darn right puny.

The more i see of it,the more happy i am that they went with the dark corners. it really brings out the white, and shows the sleekness of the glass! (those razor edges). my only wish is that they'd move a little quicker.
Since things are moving right along now I thought I'd get one last look at the bulk of the tower 'the way it was'. This is from City Hall.

The fact that it's flush and visually uninteresting still irks me, but that signage makes a hell of a lot more sense now.

Also, and after years of looking at it, I guess I'd never really paid much attention to the design aspect of the corners. I certainly notice now and I think it'll be a wonderful 'new' element.
I think the corner treatments are the most creative part of this re-working. The new cladding will look cleaner but is essentially similar to the old marble in overall effect, whereas the corner treatments give the building a very different look from before, making the main faces more like planes that are somewhat separate from the bulk of the building itself. It really alters the feel of the building, and gives it a fresh look. I really like what it's done so far (regardless of the minty main cladding).
The corners are brilliant. This is going to look like a completely different building when it's done. Indeed, with the exception of the antennas, it won't even be that hateworthy.
Hooray for those corners. The dark stripes will finally give it that verticality it was always missing.
You know it really takes those great pictures (thank you!) to appreciate those corners. Very nice looking dark glass, much better then the 'drab' grey that was the entire tower all these years. I was never excited about this project until just now, thanks again to everyone that has contributed.
Oh my god look at the corners!!! This is going to look great.... even more excited for the podium's redevelopment.
