Toronto First Canadian Place Rejuvenation | 298.08m | 72s | Brookfield | MdeAS Architects

I'm REALLY looking forward to the smart cell shaders that are being added for the upper floors.
I imagine he is talking about LED lights behind some of the glass.

I hope they crush up the marble for sand on Toronto beaches. It would be nice to be able to get a nice aqua colour off the lake which is not possible with brown sand.
The new cladding looks like the perfect match for this building. I can't wait to see it go up. I think I'd prefer the corners used the same colour cladding though.
According to the Star:

Some parts of the building will also be keeping their marble, including the lobby and the first two storeys of the exterior.

So the podium is keeping the stone.
I hope they give Gobelin girl Tamara Jaworska's four huge tapestries a good cleaning if they decide to re-hang them in the refurbished lobby.
According to the Star:

Some parts of the building will also be keeping their marble, including the lobby and the first two storeys of the exterior.
- So the podium is keeping the stone.

I don't think that is correct, especially since Brookfield stated in the press release that the podium etc would also be done.

Re: heritage:

In addition to the existing four Gobelin tapestries, I hope we don't lose the embossed metal wall panels in the banking hall - distinctively '70s touches - when the lobby gets redone. The lobby wall artwork in 2 Bloor West, of the same vintage, disappeared when that building underwent a "refreshing" a few years ago and that shop selling all those ghastly cut crystal animals was inserted at street level. And since FCP's interior white disco-look marble hasn't been tarnished by the cruel Toronto weather, maybe it doesn't need to be replaced? The archival photo on the website reminds me how fiercely I suddenly miss those big white globular planters that used to be in the lobby.
Brookfield has decided to use white marble as their distinctive "look" in most of their signature office towers on a go-forward basis (note the white marble in the lobby of BAC). I think it's a safe bet that they will keep the interior white marble in the lobby of FCP as well.
/\ i think it would look cool if they had changing led lights going all the way up the corners to the roof.
