Toronto First Canadian Place Rejuvenation | 298.08m | 72s | Brookfield | MdeAS Architects

It's incredibly easy because the security companies are completely and utterly useless. I am still shocked that construction companies bother wasting their money on them, but I suppose that we need to do our due diligence ...
There's literally dozens if not a 100+ suicides in Toronto every year. The media doesn't report them.

Yup. And I would guess 100 is an incredibly conservative estimate.

Actually just yesterday I was on a VIA train from Montreal to Toronto and someone jumped off a bridge and collided with our train. We were stuck there for about 4.5 hours while they investigated and picked up all the body parts scattered about. And we were only 10 minutes away from Union too...
Yup. And I would guess 100 is an incredibly conservative estimate.

Actually just yesterday I was on a VIA train from Montreal to Toronto and someone jumped off a bridge and collided with our train. We were stuck there for about 4.5 hours while they investigated and picked up all the body parts scattered about. And we were only 10 minutes away from Union too...

not even little section in the back of a newspaper?.... sad as it is..... i honestly dont want to read everyday that people are jumping off bridges and colliding with trains for pages and pages everyday..... personally it would ruin every single day....... and im not saying reading about somali pirates beheading people and libyans being slaughtered is any better...... sometimes..... i just forget about reading the news because i know my day is bad enough to begin with...
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Yup. And I would guess 100 is an incredibly conservative estimate.

Actually just yesterday I was on a VIA train from Montreal to Toronto and someone jumped off a bridge and collided with our train. We were stuck there for about 4.5 hours while they investigated and picked up all the body parts scattered about. And we were only 10 minutes away from Union too...

Weird, I was on a Montreal Toronto train yesterday too. It was the 55 that arrived at Union at about 5:20. Was this before or after your train?
Actually just yesterday I was on a VIA train from Montreal to Toronto and someone jumped off a bridge and collided with our train. We were stuck there for about 4.5 hours while they investigated and picked up all the body parts scattered about. And we were only 10 minutes away from Union too...

It always sucks when that happens. Personally I don't get how people can just throw away their lives like that to begin with. The ones that I really feel sorry for are the ones that they leave behind. When its done in public like this its nothing but an incredibly selfish act. I feel for anyone who witnessed this guy jump and for that VIA crew.

I certainly hope they make it so that it won't be as easy to access FCP's podium roof in the future i.e at least have a security presence near possible access points. I know that they are aren't good for much but quite often just having someone visible is enough of a deterrence.
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not even little section in the back of a newspaper?.... sad as it is..... i honestly dont want to read everyday that people are jumping of bridges and colliding with trains for pages and pages everyday..... personally it would ruin every single day....... and im not saying reading about somali pirates beheading people and libyans being slaughtered is any better...... sometimes..... i just forget about reading the news because i know my day is bad enough to begin with...

Nope... suicides are NEVER mentioned in the news. It's done on purpose - when people who are contemplating suicide hear/read about other people doing it, they become even more inclined to do so.

Weird, I was on a Montreal Toronto train yesterday too. It was the 55 that arrived at Union at about 5:20. Was this before or after your train?

That was before. Ours was scheduled to arrive at Union around 8:30pm... we didn't actually get in until after midnight.
Any news on anything happening with the antennae? I think the reclad looks great, but the horrendous mess of antennas at the top of this building will always make it look terrible.

Reason I ask is the free-to-air crowd is talking about how CityTV and Omni are moving their broadcast sites from FCP to the CN Tower sometime mid-october. This has all but been confirmed. Is this related to a bigger change regarding the FCP antennas or is that just wishful thinking?

Edit: Actually I think the move already happened...
Reason I ask is the free-to-air crowd is talking about how CityTV and Omni are moving their broadcast sites from FCP to the CN Tower sometime mid-october.

CITY tv and OMNI 1 have always been at the CN tower, Omni 2 broadcasts from FCP.
OK then, I guess I was going to the wrong site when I was a CITY tv transmitter tech. ;)

...actually, you can see CITY tv's backup antenna on the north face of the tower.
Actually just yesterday I was on a VIA train from Montreal to Toronto and someone jumped off a bridge and collided with our train. We were stuck there for about 4.5 hours while they investigated and picked up all the body parts scattered about. And we were only 10 minutes away from Union too...

OMG that is crazy!. firstly, you happening to be on that train, and secondly having to wait over 4 hours for something like that! 4 hours is a LONG time!... and what sucks most is your were so close to union... unfortunate...
OMG that is crazy!. firstly, you happening to be on that train, and secondly having to wait over 4 hours for something like that! 4 hours is a LONG time!... and what sucks most is your were so close to union... unfortunate...

Indeed. To be honest I wasn't that upset... VIA did all they could to accomodate us. And I met a bunch of interesting people. Beats driving to Montreal any day (although I'm still torn between getting there via Porter or VIA).
