Toronto Festival Tower and tiff Bell Lightbox | 156.96m | 42s | Daniels | KPMB

Yeah... brilliant balcony glass but it does NOT work with green windows. And the tower shouldn't have silver mullions-- grey, like the podium, or even black would have made more sense. Oh well. At least the balconies are nice. But using such mismatched colours was a totally irresponsible design move.
I don't think that's off topic at all: while there is no announcement of this on yet, it's pretty cool hearing what kind of exhibitions are going to be programmed in the Lightbox's gallery. I am really looking forward to seeing this!

Yeah... brilliant balcony glass but it does NOT work with green windows. And the tower shouldn't have silver mullions-- grey, like the podium, or even black would have made more sense. Oh well. At least the balconies are nice. But using such mismatched colours was a totally irresponsible design move.

Exactly. I can't believe anyone would actually question why I would expect better. For a project like this, I don't just expect better, I demand beter.

The windows may seem like minor details but they completely ruin what could've been a relatively sophisticated looking tower.
April 15 (Thursday)






Ritz, Boutique, Lightbox

Some pretty strong architecture in that last shot. Thanks for taking/posting it. Great pics too, wyliepoon. Love the colour saturation.
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