Developer: 20VIC Management Inc.
Architect: MMC Architecture
Address: 5100 Erin Mills Pkwy, Mississauga
Category: Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2015
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
Project Forum 392 posts
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Developer: Ontario Pension Board, Cushman & Wakefield
Architect: MMC Architecture
Address: 5100 Erin Mills Pkwy, Mississauga
Category: Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2023
Height: 48 ft / 14.75 mStoreys: 1 storeys
Project Forum 392 posts
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Mississauga Erin Mills Town Centre Expansion | ?m | ?s | 20VIC Management | MMC Architecture

Kind of bad timing to be adding another cineplex. Maybe it will be opening in time for things to just get started again. But I suspect it is going to be a while before movie theatres are back to where they were.
Kind of amusing to hear the councilor for Meadowvale bemoaning exceeding a 15 floor height limit. Once you start building towers, does it really matter if they are 15 or 30 floors? I understand all the concerns around shadowing and to an extent the separation, but fighting to keep low building heights while simultaneously complaining about developer reticence to build affordable/below market units is kind of amusing. Especially when they conclude about how the developers are just going to pursue their legal options to go ahead and exceed these limits.
Interesting. So the part they knocked down will be... expansion of the parking lot? Did the mall end up shrinking?

Weird to see that the long hallway connecting to the sphere is just going to be blank on one half. Wouldn't they want to build some units for future retail? Unless in the grand scheme they envision more big box there as new build.
I think the cineplex portion of this project is on life support and understandably so. There has been no construction done at all. The Marshall's apparently opens on April 27th.
Seems like a little activity happening compared to a week ago.


