Toronto Eight Cumberland | 170m | 51s | Great Gulf | a—A

Inoffensive but nondescript. Or to slightly paraphrase Peter Clewes, it reflects the worst of all aspects of developments that's going on in Toronto, from the banality of the architecture to the architects who see themselves as advocates for their clients (as opposed to advocates for achitecture). Wait, he wasn't talking about his firm (aA), was he? 🤔

Happy New Year, everyone (you too, Peter!).
Inoffensive but nondescript. Or to slightly paraphrase Peter Clewes, it reflects the worst of all aspects of developments that's going on in Toronto, from the banality of the architecture to the architects who see themselves as advocates for their clients (as opposed to advocates for achitecture). Wait, he wasn't talking about his firm (aA), was he? 🤔

Happy New Year, everyone (you too, Peter!).
Beyond his obvious petty fued, it's kinda hard to believe he could say such a thing with a straight face when the Riu project is significantly better than this in a much less prestigious area no less.
