Toronto Eight Cumberland | 170m | 51s | Great Gulf | a—A

Fair point, but is there any realistic logic for only having the balconies on the upper floors? You'd think it would be consistent throughout the building, to satisfy the desire for outdoor space you're referencing, but this here is a weird situation where they have only included them on higher floors. That is the part I just don't understand. It's not like they couldn't have included corner balconies on the lower floors, they actively chose not to.
I believe that balconies run from top to bottom? On two corners only.
I believe that balconies run from top to bottom? On two corners only
That's the more visible set of protuding balconies, yes. But there's also inset balconies on the other two corners, but only on the higher floors, as shown in the image quoted below:
You can see the window wall behind the balcony areas on the corner, so they're clearly intentional balconies, as opposed to unfinished corners. It's just strange that they didn't do this the entire way down the building.
That's the more visible set of protuding balconies, yes. But there's also inset balconies on the other two corners, but only on the higher floors, as shown in the image quoted below:

You can see the window wall behind the balcony areas on the corner, so they're clearly intentional balconies, as opposed to unfinished corners. It's just strange that they didn't do this the entire way down the building.
Wow… I didn’t pay attention to those corners
Nov 29, 2022









No resemblance to the renderings. Zero. Is that even legal? The changes aren't minor. They're total.
I am still awaiting to see what they'll do with the finishings before I write this one I am not sure everything has gone up in that way as of yet.
No resemblance to the renderings. Zero. Is that even legal? The changes aren't minor. They're total.
Other than a few window sizes, I don't see that much different yet, given it's still wearing protective coverings. The partial white light grey framing seems to be in the works at the moment, and while the window lattices aren't up, I'd not be surprised if they were axed once pre-sales started skewing numbers towards unobstructed windows.
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