Toronto Eau du Soleil Condos | 227.98m | 66s | Empire | Richmond Architects

Nice fall colours here today


From a couple of days ago, the first retail units are being kitted out…

A couple more retail units along Marine Parade Drive have been leased out.


Starting with this southwest corner unit and going east along Marine Parade, we have:

Huevos Gourmet restaurant (Mexican & French-inspired breakfast & brunch)

A pharmacy:


And last but not least, Humber Bay Shores' very own cannabis store?

Huh. Maybe that'll be the Mexican part of the Mexican-French brunch joint! (I'm intrigued by that one.)

Sooo.... This is literally the entirety of their website, just this landing page:

I'm so confused... What sort of DIY are we talking about? Why does the slider just stop at 40 percent? Will this business turn Eau du Soleil into Tête de Nuage?...
To go along with some other low clouds and fog photos in the forum today, here's a shot down the Humber of Eau du Soleil sticking up above the tree line in the left-distance.


…and here's a thumbnail for reference from last Saturday.


I still see gaps between the edges of some of the balcony cladding and the "regulating lines" running up and down the towers. Some of the edges meet flush, others have gaps. It's annoying. At this point, are we done or are there still pieces going in?
could be a cannabis shop that doubles as a serious head shop. most cannabis shops have a small section of accessories, maybe their angle is to have a large selection of smoke/grow accessories like lamps and kits. maybe that's the DIY angle and the name is wordplay.
The retail in this building is absolutely abysmal, and a failed missed opportunity. The fact that Empire went with all these small unit designs is just outright questionable.

Between this and their development at Beyond the Sea down the street, I have no idea what on the planet they are doing with retail design.
It's interesting how these small retail units do very well in NYCC though as a comparison, and no it's not just all food stalls (though yes they do make up the majority, so it's not exactly rife with diversity).
