Why have they spent money on brick on the mechanical penthouse level, but not at street level? Speaking of street level, why, on one of the city's most prominent shopping streets, did they not add another metre of height to the floor—at least a metre—to keep the retail from looking like an afterthought? On the southeast corner volume, why don't the floors with white slab covers actually go white all the way to the corner? On such a short building where you don't really need relief from an unrelenting grid, why mess with the grid in that southeast corner volume so much that no pattern is established at all, so that it's all just a mess? If you're going to use randomized red mullion caps to bring colourful relief to all that black, why not employ enough of it to be effective? Why, where the building butts up against the red brick Dragon City, do they use very pale blue back-painted spandrel for the wall sections, when they could be tying in their design contextually with it?
Why why why why why?