Developer: Gary Silverberg, Orchard West Real Estate Group
Architect: Oleson Worland Architects, Scott Shields Architects
Address: 55 Dunlop Street West, Barrie
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail), Public Space / Park
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 33 storeys
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Barrie Debut Waterfront Residences | ?m | 33s | Gary Silverberg | Oleson Worland

I walked down by the first tower, the outer shell is now completely finished. The outside at the bottom used to be bordered up, but it has the shop windows installed now and the sidewalk is opened. Second tower is definitely being started on, I’m not sure if they’re bringing the crane back this year but they’re working on the foundation. And from
What I can see the insides are fairly complete at the bottom level.
Just a simple question: if
I walked down by the first tower, the outer shell is now completely finished. The outside at the bottom used to be bordered up, but it has the shop windows installed now and the sidewalk is opened. Second tower is definitely being started on, I’m not sure if they’re bringing the crane back this year but they’re working on the foundation. And from
What I can see the insides are fairly complete at the bottom level.
they want to start to build the second one, can they sale the units in this terrible market?
builders do not take the risk ever, they look at the market situation, if they could sale something like 80% then they start to build.
I know this year Central Bank decreased the interest rates but is not enough to be affordable to most of people to get mortgage, the real state market reports are proofing that.
Yeah but the Toronto market might not be the same as it is further north in the smaller cities Good example is Collingwood quey officially launched October 25th and from what I know they are already at the financing threshold
Yeah but the Toronto market might not be the same as it is further north in the smaller cities Good example is Collingwood quey officially launched October 25th and from what I know they are already at the financing threshold
First Tower started to sale on Aug.2020 ( best time of hot market for real state) but until Feb.2023 still they had some unsold ones and advertised by some agents.
so maybe in this worst time of the market they could sale the second tower faster. let see what happens.
