Developer: Gary Silverberg, Orchard West Real Estate Group
Architect: Oleson Worland Architects, Scott Shields Architects
Address: 55 Dunlop Street West, Barrie
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail), Public Space / Park
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 33 storeys
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Barrie Debut Waterfront Residences | ?m | 33s | Gary Silverberg | Oleson Worland

I’m thinking they’ll have the outside done by Halloween, they’ve only got like 4 more storeys to go. And who knows how much works been done interior-wise, but I’m really curious to see if they’ll at least start that other tower before winter.
I’m thinking they’ll have the outside done by Halloween, they’ve only got like 4 more storeys to go. And who knows how much works been done interior-wise, but I’m really curious to see if they’ll at least start that other tower before winter.
in this recession & bad shape of marketing, starting for second tower is not possible. if do so is wrong for sure.
