Toronto Daniels Waterfront - City of the Arts | 156.05m | 45s | Daniels | RAW Design

site looks so small in the photos. Are they continuing on the red brick warehouse?
And usually faster too! :->

Yep, that's why I was down there taking photos every couple days for the first month lol

site looks so small in the photos. Are they continuing on the red brick warehouse?

Correct. That building is coming down in the fall
Daniels has the money to build condos even before they are sold. No need to sell 70% before they get construction financing. And they are moving their offices here so no need to wait on the office component.
Daniels has the money to build condos even before they are sold. No need to sell 70% before they get construction financing. And they are moving their offices here so no need to wait on the office component.
I know that the office/arts part of the new building(s) are going ahead right now on the south part of the site and that the office building on the north side is scheduled for demolition in the fall BUT I had not heard they were going ahead with actually building the condos. If so, it's great news.

If we allowed builders to build on spec, the market wouldn't dictate winners and losers until it was too late and the units were built. That would create the conditions for a housing crash based on oversupply. That our banks only finance pre-sold projects was just one of the fiscally responsible things that kept our country afloat during the financial crisis. I don't think we need to move to a more speculative housing market.
I've been corrected. On this one Daniels will be doing pre-sales and construction will not start right away on the condos.

Yeah, they are building what looks like it could be a condo sales centre in the parking lot on the east side of Richardson St.
