Toronto Cumberland Square | 253.92m | 75s | KingSett Capital | Giannone Petricone

I think the success of Yorkville was built on its intimate scale, its laneways and the diversity of its offerings, reminiscent of European shopping districts.

While I agree that this is how Yorkville earned its reputation, I don't think this is longer the case. It is now based on a few high end retailers, mostly located on Bloor (in large, not so intimate buildings) and luxury condos. I don't think developments like the proposal posted earlier would do anything at all to disturb Yorkville's reputation.
While I agree that this is how Yorkville earned its reputation, I don't think this is longer the case. It is now based on a few high end retailers, mostly located on Bloor (in large, not so intimate buildings) and luxury condos. I don't think developments like the proposal posted earlier would do anything at all to disturb Yorkville's reputation.
yorkville avenue and cumberland st between bay and avenue would beg to differ
I like the ambition of this scheme. It could've been Toronto's modern-day Rockefeller Center. There are too many repeating towers for my taste though. Still, it feels like a missed opportunity to do something great for Yonge/Bloor/Yorkville.

I thought the common motif is a bonus - and certainly the towers appears more authentic than the various slightly Toronto anonymous glass towers as currently proposed.

I think the success of Yorkville was built on its intimate scale, its laneways and the diversity of its offerings, reminiscent of European shopping districts. The Allies and Morrison proposal gives me way too much of a mega-mall vibe that could result in a sterile, inorganic and over-planned complex. So far, I’m liking that the projects in the area are being undertaken separately yet are being coordinated so as to create a cohesive vision and also best deliver on big ticket items such as parks, squares and other amenities.

That part of Yorkville east of Bay has never been all that "European" even in the heyday.

Interesting to see the reaction to the 'winning' entrant. Will love to see the evaluation of the others when they eventually come up...
Because it was never a serious proposal
So why engage in design competition if you are not going to use the results?
There are explanations in the last couple of pages. Go back and read them.

Interesting to see the reaction to the 'winning' entrant. Will love to see the evaluation of the others when they eventually come up...
What your opinion with respect to the others? Did you prefer them over the plan that was posted on the previous page or was that one your favourite?
Interesting to see the reaction to the 'winning' entrant. Will love to see the evaluation of the others when they eventually come up...

Well here is Safdie's effort :eek:



