Toronto Crosstown LRT: Science Centre Station | ?m | 2s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

It will close middle September 2025 school year according to various insider sources - CBC says 2025

Knowing Ford he will demolish it before his next elections forsure

Sounds to me like it's open until the new location replaces it in 2028.

"Construction on the new centre will begin in 2025 with its opening expected for 2028, the science centre said in a statement. The current science centre will remain open in the interim. It will eventually be demolished, Ford said."
Oh hey, they're talking about you over at depths of wikipedia, so kudos to you!
You are very welcome!

Speaking of Wikipedia and speaking of Ontario Science Centre, I managed to sneak in a Kirby reference to the Wikipedia article on the Ontario Science Centre:

From the fourth paragraph of that section:

Wikipedia article on Ontario Science Centre said:
On June 4, 2016, the Centre hosted a one-day exhibit promoting the Nintendo 3DS game Kirby: Planet Robobot, which also featured activities pertaining to the Kirby video game series and a visit by a performer in a full Kirby costume.
It even has a reliable source to back this up:

My edits that added Kirby to the Science Centre:

Here sits one of the monuments to Metrolinx's inability to lay train tracks, something humans were previously capable of doing for 250 years.


For those keeping score, here's another stairway that could have opened years ago.



These are the ghosts of the track workers who have been condemned to measure the Eglinton tracks for the rest of eternity. They are always here now. And will be, forever.

