Developer: Metrolinx
Architect: Arcadis, Daoust Lestage Architecture
Address: 1185 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto
Category: Transit
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 2 storeys
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Toronto Crosstown LRT: Science Centre Station | ?m | 2s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

Or they can call it Aga Khan Station... Aga Khan is building a not for profit housing building with in the celestica building, city has change wynford drive to Aga Khan Boulverd, so would just make logical sense to call this Aga Khan Station.

The eglinton lrt aga khan station can be renamed to dvp station or ferrand as it is called now.
The City has not changed Wynford Drive to Aga Khan Boulevard, they have overlaid an honorary name on a portion of Wynford Drive, similar to how a portion of Duncan Street has carried the honorary name Ed Mirvish Way for several years now. There are a few other cases of this here and there throughout Toronto. Legal addresses will continue to be Wynford Drive.

The City has not changed Wynford Drive to Aga Khan Boulevard, they have overlaid an honorary name on a portion of Wynford Drive, similar to how a portion of Duncan Street has carried the honorary name Ed Mirvish Way for several years now. There are a few other cases of this here and there throughout Toronto. Legal addresses will continue to be Wynford Drive.

You are correct..

There are 6 Aga Khan names in the area

- Aga Khan Boulevard (segment of wynford dr)
- Aga Khan Park
- Aga Khan Museum
- Aga Khan Ismaili Centre
- Aga Khan Stop (Eglinton Lrt)
- Aga Khan Multi-Generational Building (at crosstown block 5a under construction) - non for profit housing

It would only make sense since Aga Khan is only one of the 6 honorary canadian citizens and order of canada

I feel like it is a done deal before they change it to Aga khan station... No other options that make sense
It's funny seeing the rust stains on a line that's still unopened.
What gets me is that now they're gonna hafta dig this station outta the ground and move it down to Ontario Place. Boo!

