I commute through Eglinton Station every day and know where this is. Urban Chairman's photos are not at platform level. This photo is from the mezzanine level above (i.e. Cinnabon level). You'll see this construction fascade when you come up the staircase at the northern-most end of the current platform.
Here's what that looks in the final design for Eglinton. The render that everyone is referring to is out of date. Frustrating that Metrolinx keeps it on their website, it's not accurate. Here are the final designs:
The existing north staircase is in the green square. Urban Chairman's photos are of the future escalator in the red circle, planned from the Cinnabon level down to Line 1 platform level. If it helps, the blue square is the escalator up from the concourse to the (former) BMO at street level, at the intersection of Yonge and Eglinton.
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Here's what that looks like from Line 1's platform. Again, green square is the existing north-side staircase. Urban Chairman's photos are of the future escalator in the red circle. The future Line 1 platform will be extended north, but by less than originally planned. Per the final design doc:
"The preliminary concepts approved by the TTC Board in 2013 included a possible 70- metre extension of the subway platform to the north, to improve customer transfer distribution. The final design reduces the platform extension to approximately 24 metres. Although this platform extension will result in a shift of the train position to the north, access to the existing elevator and stairs to the south entrance will be maintained."
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