Toronto Crosstown LRT: Caledonia Station | 11.72m | 2s | Metrolinx | McCallum Sather

Unfortunately the same statement has been made since 2014 or so. The current page for the website says:.

"The new Caledonia GO Station is currently in procurement, which will continue along with detailed design work through 2021. Construction will begin in 2022 and take approximately two years to complete."

Posted here April 24, 2015 in the GO Service thread:

And it was old news even then because there was a study in September 2013 that explained the layout of the station.

All to say that without a construction contract signed... nothing is happening.
Part 1 of December 1, 2022:


A FreshCo employee helped me take this photo using my phone as I am not allowed to stand on the wheeled stairs.

I have taken all other photos:


Part 2 will be posted tomorrow.
One thing which is frustrating about this station is how it interacts with Eglinton Avenue. Consider someone arriving on foot from the neighbourhood to the south on Blackthorn Avenue. There is no access route in which someone can walk in a straight line into the station from either sidewalk on Blackthorn Avenue at Eglinton.

If you use the east sidewalk on Blackthorn, you have to cross Eglinton and walk to the east past the landscaping and the eastern part of the massive bus driveway. Many will probably just walk through the bus driveway as a shortcut into the LRT station, which is hardly ideal from a safety standpoint. You don't want pedestrians sharing space with buses.

The existing western crosswalk at Blackthorn Avenue and Eglinton is being eliminated as part of the new road configuration resulting from the station's construction. It's being replaced with one noticeably further west (as can be seen in the image in the first link in this post). Those coming from Blackthorn Avenue have to walk further west if using this route and still don't have a straight line route into the station once they're at the crosswalk.

It feels like they hired suburban road designers to come up with the new road layout in that it maximized bus drivers' convenience at the expense of pedestrian convenience. The aggressively rounded intersection corners allow drivers to drive around intersection corners at higher speeds, which also comes at the expense of pedestrian comfort and safety.

The goal should have been to make pedestrian access into the station as safe and convenient as possible. Instead, the goal seemed to be to make it as convenient as possible for drivers.
Last edited:
Application Number:
22 234090 WET 05 SA
Application Type:
Site Plan Approval
Date Submitted:
Under Review
Development of the Caledonia GO Station, owned and operated by Metrolinx.

No files attached at the moment...but here is the DevApp link

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Keep doing your thing Metrolinx, im sure all of our grandkids will be able to enjoy this station one day🐌
