Toronto Couture The Condominium | ?m | 42s | Philmor | Graziani + Corazza

True. If I recall correctly, it's only the swimming pool that will be shared btween Bloor Walk 1 and 2.

I recently moved into BW1, and that is my understanding as well (though I'm not sure how happy I am about our pool suddenly hosting another 44 storeys of people).

This affords me a great view of the construction sites for not only Couture, but X and X2 as well.

More soil samples today!
Went to check out the said soil sampling action on Saturday but it seems like they had reopened the parking lot.

Sales centre still there and lots of people coming in and out. I didn't bother going inside asking them when this thing is going to start. They'll probably say they're still looking for a site :rolleyes:.
Went to check out the said soil sampling action on Saturday but it seems like they had reopened the parking lot.

Sales centre still there and lots of people coming in and out. I didn't bother going inside asking them when this thing is going to start. They'll probably say they're still looking for a site :rolleyes:.

Hummm I wonder why all the sudden it got so busy? Anybody knows?
I can't say I'm too excited by the recent soil samples taken as it means construction is still a ways off. Hopefully, these are additional test sampling and not like a first run.
I much prefer Ted Rogers Way than Jarvis. Jarvis has a bad rep attached to the name. Although the street is still the same, I'm glad I can call it Ted Rogers instead.

On a side note, I guess they won't be pouring concrete anytime soon on this site.....I dunno what this sales team is doing, how on earth could X2 be sold out before Couture. Sad.
Unless Ted Rogers used his money to build something on Jarvis to be used by the citizens of the city, there's no way in hell I'd support renaming it after him. Might as well rename Church Street Harold Ballard Avenue.
I much prefer Ted Rogers Way than Jarvis. Jarvis has a bad rep attached to the name. Although the street is still the same, I'm glad I can call it Ted Rogers instead.

On a side note, I guess they won't be pouring concrete anytime soon on this site.....I dunno what this sales team is doing, how on earth could X2 be sold out before Couture. Sad.

Jarvis Street may evoke negative connotations to some with it's more recent history of prostitution in it's lower regions but consider the roots of this street. This street was once home to Toronto's most prominent and affluent people and is rich with history. Ted Rogers Way stinks, but thankfully it's only a block or so.
Will Coulture really end up with a "Ted Rogers Way" address ??

600 Ted Rogers Way. Oddly, I don't think the Roger Campus has a Ted Rogers Way address.
On a side note, I guess they won't be pouring concrete anytime soon on this site.....I dunno what this sales team is doing, how on earth could X2 be sold out before Couture. Sad.

let's see ... some reasons that come to mind are blocked views and poor floorplans.
let's see ... some reasons that come to mind are blocked views and poor floorplans.

Samething could be said for X2. I think it's more of a marketing problem.

Jarvis Street WAS a nice street, I know, but what matters is its current state/reputation. I heard a person in Couture sales centre once asking, very stupidly so, why Couture could not have an address with Hayden instead of Jarvis.
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What bugs me most is that stupid intersection which treats pedestrians so miserably. Where else in the whole city do you have to detour through 4 separate walk lights, just to get across one side (e.g., between the Rogers bldg and the southwest corner of Charles E and Jarvis)?
What bugs me most is that stupid intersection which treats pedestrians so miserably. Where else in the whole city do you have to detour through 4 separate walk lights, just to get across one side (e.g., between the Rogers bldg and the southwest corner of Charles E and Jarvis)?

I don't think it's as bad, but the Bay & Davenport intersection is also pretty hostile to pedestrians.
Does anyone have anymore info on what's going on with this project? Can't seem to get anything from the Monarch site other than supposedly 75% sold.
