Toronto Core Condos | 84.12m | 24s | CentreCourt | P + S / IBI

It looks amazing!~
downtown east (between Carlton and Queen) needs more nice buildings like this to fresh it up.
Strong design. The building has clean lines, and fits in well with the surrounding downtown core. I particularly like how P+S have been able to make a 24 storey tower look slender and elegant by dividing the massing into two separate elements. It's also nice to see that the podium deviates from the benign historical context. I must say, Page and Steele have been consistent lately in delivering bold and exciting architecture in the city of Toronto.
Nah, I just have a realistic view of the way that political and economic forces can shape buildings in the city of Toronto. I'm not in dreamland, like so many other posters on this forum, and appreciate good design when I see it.
I like the use of black trim to help define the shape and form of the tower. I appreciate L Tower's north-side fins for the same reason. I'd like to see more of it in Toronto.
Good God, what a low bar you have.

well, having a sophisticated high bar obviously won't lead us anywhere. Toronto is still the Toronto we always know - it will never strive to be something far better while always settle with something it deems "safe" enough. Rarely has Toronto done something architecturally bold and adventurous - I am all for it. People talk about "human scale", "urban fabric" etc all the time just to stress the importance of playing safe. 25 Richmond E proposal is 50s, 2 minutes from financial district and people think it is too "tall". We potentially might have 3 really amazing buildings at King/John and people whine about congestion and loss of some mediocre warehouse and a underused theatre. Then how can you not adjust your expectation.

For downtown east around Moss Park in particular, yes, I will settle for a low bar. Any Starbucks is a positive. Any cityplace type of condo is good. Remember the SE corner of Dundas and Jarvis, even a Tim Hortin's makes it dramatically less bleak. Between the expectation of having something spectacular in 30 years down the road with a 10% possibility and having something decent and nice now to replace sad parking lots and derelict shacks for sure, I will take the latter.
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Nah, I just have a realistic view of the way that political and economic forces can shape buildings in the city of Toronto. I'm not in dreamland, like so many other posters on this forum, and appreciate good design when I see it.

I agree.
Having something real and decent is better than having something amazing and imaginary. Toron to won't be an architectural marvel so I am happy with this proposal for this area. it is probably better than 90% of buildings downtown, isn't it?
Looks good, especially considering the location and price. Anybody expecting anything else here is deluded. I say bring it on. Between this and Pace an area seriously in need of love is finally starting to get it.
Can we get a thread created in the real estate section for this project please.
Hmm, 2 newbies praise this project--do you work for the developer or architect?

Let's be honest: Core Condos is a cheap piece of crap designed to sell for cheap. From $200k, eh? You could buy Prada or prada knockoffs (guess which one we're getting here?)

No need to be a bully just because you are here longer. It is a public forum. We all have our voices. Knowing some architects doesn't make you superior, and the sheer possibility of having better designed buildings doesn't mean it is realistic for this particular project. In reality, 99% of Toronto could have been designed better. Great buildings only come once in a long while, most are just one of those average highrises.

Plus, how can you tell it is a cheap project just by seeing a prelim rendering? aren't you jumping to conclusions too much? Lower prices are not a bad thing, it might reflect moderating prices. It is also in Moss Park, so developers can't really expect high prices as they are used to on King East, can't they?
The new preliminary rendering looks very promising! I like the contrast and that it's sculptural.

I'll also second that the prices reflect the area; as someone noted, it isn't the most in demand/desired area. Also, given that there is a parking lot adjacent to the site, future owners can totally expect their west facing views to be obstructed at some point in the future.

I'm kinda' glad that this part of town has been off the radar for developers because I think now as development encroaches it might be more interesting or at least different than what we've seen on the west end.

It is a bit sad to see the beautiful old townhouses demolished.
Can we get a thread created in the real estate section for this project please.

Done. See link at the top of the page in the dataBase file window.
