Toronto Clear Spirit | 131.36m | 40s | Cityscape | a—A

Time to protect the G&W billboard (rather than restore it)... waterproof acrylic or some such thing.

Rackhouse D, the building to be turned into a Boutique Hotel by (of all characters, the fictional male supermodel) Zoolander, is, by the way, the building at the northeast corner of Mill and Trinity streets, the one with all those lovely green shutters. Let's hope they do a good job of this; this could end up as quite a famous hotel in this town.

3 foot ceilings could actually work for a boutique hotel however I imagine this will involve a rebuilt facade on a new structure
I am quite keen to see how the prow will be clad. They'll have to spend some real money to do it well.

The sharp points just seem so mean, jagged and unnecessary. I'm not sure why the building needed to come that far out.
Interesting. There's two types of mullions, if that's what they're called. The east side of the building seems to have flatter mullions while the west side's stick out a bit further and are a different material. Once the tower is finished being clad it should produce an interesting effect.
What goes in the point of your condo? A shoe closet? A monkey cage?;)

I work in the Distillery and I have heard that a TD Bank and a Wild Oats/Whole Foods is going to go in the base of the building.

Turning Rackhouse D into a hotel would be very cool. There has been more activity in that building in the past week - I've seen lights on and the door on Mill St open a couple times. Last Friday there were a paid of tubes running out of the window and into two dumpsters. There were also two cement mixers (or something that looks like them) sitting on the boulevard. I'm not sure if that actually means anything, though.
talk of prows etc reminded me of this : no1 poultry, City of London


surely it can't look worse than this ?? Its just a mess, I especially dislike the stripes.
The jagged front is intriguing. It always reminds me of a ship under construction.
